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Reminder that there is ALWAYS hope

Tony Only

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Person, who has one of the absolutely most severe cases of chronic cluster headaches that I have ever heard of joined our finnish CH group over a year ago. He had the stimulators fitted and had gone through every possible medication there is, usually several side by side and on such dosages that when he was joining he was losing eyes, hearing, bone structure already gone etc. He was still getting hit at record breaking rate of 4-8 attacks every day.

I myself was always hesitant to take part on advices to him, I did not want to think in such way but on back of my mind I thought that there is a line after which there is no return. I had no idea how to help him because the whole detox process seemed impossible.

But he started to try out the alternatives, one by one. At this point triptan use finally caught up with him and he had 2 cardiac arrests. Things were looking even worse if that's possible. But he kept trying, discontinuing meds and finally started busting.

Here is his post from our Facebook group, translated in english (with his permission)

"How could I say this. My brain functions with electricity, in my ears the Incus and Malleus have been replaced with a bone drilled from my skull, my eyes are made of glass, teeth are plastic, I have 2 computers and batteries in my chest, my other hip is titanium. These are the costs for me using too much imigran and verpamil for 19 years and of course the cortisone. How can I ever thank you enough. I have not had this long attack free time for years, or could I carefully start talking about a remission. During June I had 1 attack and now 11 days pain free."

Knowing this man's history this is a miracle. Something I would not have believed to actually happen. And the reached state and progress for the better has continued to this day. I wish to thank Clusterbusters again on behalf of our whole community and everyone on this board reading this !


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Tony Only,

Thanks for sharing.  Happy to hear he's getting some pain free time. 

Sooooo sad his body is in such bad shape from all the Dr and Gov approved medications.  I wish more people could get the news of the SAFE alternative medicines and not have to go through wrecking their body first....


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That is *stunning* to hear he could make such a turnaround with his CH, thank you for posting this huge blast of hope Tony Only, as disturbing as it also is to hear of the severity of his phatmaceuticial side effects, with prednisone looking like a primary culprit there to me.

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