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The beast is looking for me?


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HI guys as I have been reporting over the past months, I have been preventive dosing for some time. I have managed to keep the beast at bay for a yr and a half(the longest stretch). I am EXTREMELY grateful for that. Since the fall solstice I have been getting shadows, but as the winter solstice approaches they have been getting much more frequent and I have upped my dosage to every two weeks. The past two nights I got hit with a K6(different times). I had a bit of a mental breakdown last night. The battle for my brain has commenced but the good news is I still have aMMunition. It seems I have entered my 8 week cycle. Any suggestions on a war strategy are welcome. Thanks

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Others will have more to say about this, and THMH's questions are good ones, but might you consider switching to a different medicine (RC, for example, or LSD) since we have acknowledged often here that CH seems to sometimes, in some people, develop resistance to repeated applications of the same medicine.

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i have been dosing with 1/2 to 1 gram. Thats the answer I was looking for CHfather. I think the MM is still helping because they can't seem to develop a pattern. Im due for a dose tommorrow. Im gonna up the dose. I go through an 8 week cycle, but due to me medicating I don't actually know when they started. Do we count the shadow stage as part of the cycle?

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