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"Indomethacin-responsive headaches"


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A topic we've discussed here from time to time.  You see the part where they say that some CH is responsive to indomethacin, and also the warning at the end that responsiveness to indomethacin is not a great diagnostic criterion for what type of headache someone has.  I suppose I'm cautioned to be a little more careful when this subject comes up.


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All I can speak for is my own experience with Indomethacin.

As you know, I have chronic daily headaches. My GP was concerned, a couple years ago, that I was also getting rebound headaches because of all the Anadin I was taking. So she put me on Indomethacin to ween me off the Anadin.

It worked surprisingly well, as long as I remembered to eat something before taking the Indomethacin, my stomach really doesn't get on with the stuff.

Did it help my migraines, no. Did it help my clusters, nope. Was it more effective than Anadin, no.


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If you are going to be on Indomethacin I would take some Guarana as well.  It might just protect your guts from the irritation that it can cause in a lot of people.  (There's a good chance it will make the Indo work better for headaches as well, seeing as how it has a pretty decent amount of caffeine in it)



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Is anyone aware of any CHers who have found indo to be helpful for our condition? It's one of the few drugs that I have not yet tried as a preventative.

My youngest daughter was diagnosed with hemicrania continua and has been on indo for years. I find it odd that the literatures says that A) women arent affected by CH as often as men and B) clusters are not familial, when my mom and I have them and my daughter has this seemingly related condition....

Our headaches are so similar, yet hers do not respond to RC seeds, mushrooms, triptans or O2. Indo and Red Bull are the mainstays.

I live in fear that, one day, her headaches will morph into cluster headaches.

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If I remember correctly, Indomethacin helps to identify if you have Clusters or SUNCT. Indomethacin working on SUNCT but not on Clusters.

I would be inclined to say that for most people with clusters Indomethacin does not help them. Although, could be wrong.


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