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Frontiers in Neurology Conference

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At The Paroxysmal Neurology Symposium in Chicago on April 07 2010

Frederick G Freitag of the Diamond Headache Clinic, Chicago gave an oral presentation on Cluster Headache

To Review the current understanding of the pathophysiology of cluster headache, be able to recognize the clinical features of cluster headache and to develop a strategy for treatment of cluster headache.

http://tinyurl.com/3234myp  frontiersin org

He mentions in his Preventive treatment > other preventative medicines > other approaches

“psychedelics including peyote mushroom tea” (among others)


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I have actually had the peyote tea efficacy for clusters thought cross my mind on a quite a few occasions. I tried it back in the late 70s and it was one of the most pleasant experiences I have ever had, no tripping just a wonderful feeling of well being. Now where the heck is a cactus when I need one. :) :)

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psychedelics including [highlight]peyote mushroom [/highlight]tea” (among others)

Surely this is a "brain fart"???  I can't imagine wanting to mix these 2 substances having used both recreationally in the past!!!  This would also be the first article I've seen suggesting mescaline as a CH treatment.


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I would be willing to bet that mescaline would work, but you just don't find it available anymore.

Having chewed a peyote button or two long ago, I often wondered who was the first person to do this? It was, and still is the most vile tasting thing I've ever had in my life. I thought that whoever it was would have spit it out immediately. Must have been someone with defective taste buds.

Oh well, as they say, "Eat eight, mate".

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the most vile tasting thing I've ever had in my life

That is why the next guy (or gal) was much smarter and made tea. We used to put a button in a mason jar of water and let it brew in the sun for a couple of weeks, then add a s&*t load of sugar and drink it up. It did not taste bad that way and like I said one of the best experiences I have ever had with recreational drugs (not that I am advocating recreational drug use :)).

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