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if allergies are a contributor .. article

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I have too many allergies to bother listing.  :) Almost all are respiratory.

My cycle starts with the Fall Equinox and ends some where after the Spring Equinox. So, if they are allergy related, it would be the mold, mildew, and house dust aspect effecting me, not the pollen of spring and summer.

So no, the Polar Vortecies are not a part of my head's equation. Falling barometric is a major part of my CH. Falling pressure is my enemy. Since so many weather fronts move thru in the winter, I pay a lot for each one.

I will add that I live in an area with NO allergy free months!!! I moved here from La., which has one allergy free month only to find that it would be worse here!

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thanks spiny.  its seems in looking at everyones pattern that everyones pattern is unique just to them. (could be the area not sure).. my son has had none in april may june or august but can change from jan this year to feb the next or feb this year to march the next, or let just have some in July for the heck of it.   :-[

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I feel like allergies are a major contributor to my CH. My cycles are always around some kind of allergy season - but they have been somewhat inconsistent in start date depending on location I am in. I had 2 years starting Oct 15th in Tampa FL area, then July 4th (skipped a year somehow) Move to Gainesville FL with July 4th, then Feb 13th last year and this year I just started April 19th. The times I have had them in the summer time I have had a much lighter schedule of attacks.


I can't find any good sources for which particular pollens are in season during the times, but I typically always get some kind of sinus infection along with the attacks. I have never smoked and don't drink. I am very habitual as well, so the only trigger that seams plausible is allergy related. I feel like there has to be a trigger since my start times are not as consistent as other peoples. I want to have kids in the next year or two, but do not want to be pregnant and having attacks. Need to figure out how to time pregnancies around CH.


Contemplating allergy treatments to see if it has any effect on my CH but not looking forward to more big medical related bills.

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Some people find that taking benadryl daily, 2-3 times a day, helps with allergy-related CH.  This might not help much on its own, but it seems to be particularly effective for people who are using the vitamin D3 regimen, which is strongly recommended to everyone with CH: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/


You can find basic pollen count information at a site like weather.com, under the right-hand tab that says "More forecasts."

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In New England here. Here is something for you:

I seem to get hit with a cycle every spring for 6 years. This year is especially bad, polar vortex or not.

My dad has been getting hit with a cycle about every year for 10 years. Currently we are both nearing the end of this cycle, ours started pretty much around 3/20.

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