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Any advice dealing with doctors in the UK?


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I've been getting cluster headaches yearly for about 10 years, this year has been by far my worst year, I go to the doctors and get laughed at when I mention oxygen might help, my last appointment last week I was told that I shouldn't believe what I see in the net and that I should take paracetamol and go to sleep.

I'm actually at my wits end, and unfortunately I'm not sure how long I can tough these out, anyone else had a similar experience?

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Hi Jcdonny,


That sucks. I think my first response would be to kick them in the balls, but maybe that wouldn't be helpful. 


Apart from that, find another doctor. Push to get an appointment with a neurologist. You're obviously dealing with a clueless person. There are good doctors out there who understand, or at least are willing to try and help. You are more likely to find help with a neurologist. There is also a good headache clinic in London. 


The neurologists at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge are good, if you're near there. 



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Yes, like Denny says: https://ouchuk.org/downloads

Also, I'd recommend opening the CB Oxygen Document here -- https://clusterbusters.org/oxygen-information/-- and printing out the items that are linked to in notes #3 and #4 on the last page.  #3 is the study from a prominent medical journal about the effectiveness of O2, and #4 is the European guidelines for treatment of CH.  About halfway down the page there you will see that O2 is listed as the #1 abortive, along with sumatriptan injections.  Consider bringing that info with you to your appointment.

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