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Cesamet/Busting Q.


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So my 2 month Bust date is Friday. 

Cesamet is a synthetic form of marijuana.  I was prescribed it for mirgaines, chronic back pain(sciatica,L3/4/5 discs)arthritis, sleep and anxiety.


Question....Will Cesamet affect my busting? I dont think its a blocker. But will it highten the busting?? Or highten the Cesamet?


Should I wait 2 days to Bust first and then do cesamet? Sure but I am in a ton of pain. I cant stand more than 3-5 min,


I have tried the Cesamet once. It was a body buzz if anything.


If you have experience with both. Id love to hear. Thank you

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Good to see you!


I wish that I had a definite answer or suggestion CHS. I am not familiar with Cesamet at all. But, MJ is known to heighten the effects according to Ricardo a long time back. But, many use it at the start of a bust to reduce the come-up speed or tension when the M kicks in. That leads me to think that if is not a blocker but may - may - be an enhancer.


Perhaps I can get Ricardo in to advise. :)

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I am not very familiar with Cesamet but it does seem to have a lot of similarities with another synthetic cannabanoid that I have experienced in the past, Marinol (AKA Dronabinol).  Unfortunately I have never taken it while busting so I can't give you any personal feedback on that.  What I can say about Cannabis in general is what Spiny said--When mixed with mushrooms it can make the experience more intense and most importantly to me, it can make your mind pretty clouded.  I don't notice this effect at all if I smoke before the mushrooms kick in.  Every time I take mushrooms I start by chugging down my tea, then grab my bong for a toke to prevent nausea.  I have never felt that it interfered with a bust, and it would surprise me if it did.  The receptors that the classical hallucinogens hit are completely different than the receptors that cannabanoids tend to hit so I have my doubts that anyone is going to find cannabis type drugs (synthetic or natural) blocking a successful bust.


The biggest drawback that I have found with these synthetic cannabis medications is with the route of administration (pills).  The problem is that the pills take a long time to start working (somewhere around 2 hours for Cesamet and Dronabinol) and then take an equally long time to wear off (sometimes up to 8 hours)  In my opinion a better option is to smoke or vaporize a small amount of cannabis as it will work immediately and wear off quickly.  However, I completely understand that for some people that's just not an option.  


If I was going to try it I think I would attempt to split the Cesamet pill in half (can you do that?  If I am remembering right it was not so easy to do that with Marinol as it came in an oil filled gel cap), then wait a couple hours until it's fully kicked in and take your mushrooms (possibly a smaller dose).


On a side note, I don't have much issue with ingesting LSD and then smoking cannabis.  The stimulation that LSD gives me tends to fight off that "mind feeling clouded" effect.  You might find that the combo of Cesamet and LSD work pretty well together, but I would still start pretty low in any initial experiments that you do.


Good luck and keep us posted.  Ask away if you come up with anymore questions!



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Thanks guys...I do appreciate all the positive educated feedback. I think I am going wait. Because the cesamet will be ongoing everyday. I think after 2 months of using it everyday I will know what to expect and how to feel. Because I have only taken it once it really hasn't had a chance to get into my system fully.


I am also paranoid Ill be super high.... :huh:  lol


again, thank you

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