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Verapamil- how taken?


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I took it for about two years, before it stopped working for me. I took it as a daily med, I forget the dose. It was prescribed by my neurologist. If I remember correctly, I took it for about 3 days before it kicked in and the headaches stopped. I was able to tolerate the constipation with a laxative but the fatigue was frustrating. It's was a good news/bad news thing......good news-CH was gone......bad news-had to live with the side effects. As it is with most meds, everyone reacts differently. In my opinion it is worth a try but you need to develop a back up plan in case it stops working or just plain doesn't work for you.


Good Luck



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I took it for several years at 240mg/day. The short acting is more effective than the extended release form for most CHers. Keep an eye on your blood pressure as it lowers it (ergo tired). My bp is normally low so I could not up the dose when it no longer worked.


Good luck!

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I tried verapamil for 4 years and still on it . I take 360 mg at nights. Primary side that I had to deal with was constipation, it will take couple of months to resolve from person to person. Never experienced fatigue side effect. Based on my knowledge it is drug of choice for many CHers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took Diltiazem twice a day for about 10 years. When it stopped working I had to stop taking it for about a week and get back on it. This worked for a long time but it stopped working. Talk to your doctor about how to stop your dose. My doc had me take prednisone while I was taking the week off. Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

240mg ER Bid for many years. It greatly decreased the number of episodes and the pain Severity. I had no episode for 2.5 years then my GP reduced the verapamil in half because I get Edema from it. My CH returned within a week. Back on the original dose now, but still in the middle of a period of attaches.

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Does anyone take their Verapamil dosing all at once or spread out? I have about 95% of my attacks during sleep, so was thinking about dosing heavier before bed. Do not seem to be getting same relief from it as my last cycle.

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I used the short acting variety since I had read that it was more effective. Being a nocturnal CHer, I asked my doc about taking one in the am, one at bedtime, and one in the middle of the night. He was fine with it as long as I spaced the doses out like I would during the day. Doubling up at bedtime was not approved.


It did not help. :(

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Ok thanks. Yep was going to talk to my Doctor. Trying to time out when to best take the Verapamil seeing I'm also on D3 regime. It had mentioned in article to try separate the the two by 8-12 hours for best results and to take D3 with a large meal. I'm a swing shift worker so scheduling things is tricky. Maybe when I wake with an attack maybe I can make a big meal, it would sure beat what I do now. 😠Thanks for advice I'll keep at it ðŸ‘

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