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The first step is to get the O2. It's a must for aborting the many hits you are taking. You're going through a bunch of pain that could be avoided by the oxygen.

What meds. are you on and how much?

After you get the oxygen therapy down, and you feel more in control, then you can think about busting. The bust will never work to it's full intent with a bunch of meds in your system.

If you follow all the advice here, and do the bust exactly as the protocol says, you should be getting relief very soon.

Be well my friend,


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wet washcloth on my eye,It helps me,i think never had anything  else never knew there anything to abort them.Doc said nothing he could do.I think he thinks i just want drugs.Must have been the grattful dead t shirt.learned alot from this site.Declaring war on this beast,taking no prissoners....know my speeling sucks head all fuzzy

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Bigfoot, Sorry to hear bout the hits.  Did you not get oxy?  I know how it is, I couldnt afford it.  I did order seeds for the first time in my life a couple of months ago.  I think this is the most inexpensive thing you can do besides ice on your eye and red bull.  I used Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds and after the second dose, my pain was cut in half!  I have almost busted my cycle after several dosings.  I think the Rivea Corymbosa seeds are less maintenance since they dont need much prep to them.  PM me if you would like some HBW seeds for free!  I have some i'm not gonna use them and I can just throw them in the mail.  They are just sitting in my fridge.  Hang in there hairy dude!   :)

Rock ( the one with big feet)   ;D

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