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Leading doctor urges decriminalisation of drugs


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here in the states

now think about this. the us gov't set forth a "war" to extinguish something that makes people silly and gives them the munchies.

the drive to keep things like this illegal is a profit law.  dupont, anhiesher bush, and pharmaceutical companies spend millions of $$$ to lobby this illegal.


some interesting fact about hemp


now i cant defend coke or heroin but pot being illegal is a bullshit law and on an industrial level  its holding up valuable progress

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Legalizing marijuana is going on California's ballot again. I think it might pass this time because they are so in the red financially. With it legalized, California can then tax the hell out of it. Kind of like cigarettes.

Many states will probably follow if it's legalized. That could be the start to something for us. No not weed, PSILOCYBIN!!! Or LSA!!! Or LSD!!! Or BOL!!! Or AWOL!!! Or MIA!!!



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Portugal, where drug use was decriminalized nearly 10 years ago, is showing the way. Its evidence suggests the most persuasive argument against changing policy – that it would increase the numbers abusing drugs – is baseless. There has been no significant increase in drug use, while take-up of treatments has increased and health has improved, The Guardian reported.


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