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Medical Marijuana Strain For Fibromyalgia?


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I Just want to ask if someone here knows the right marijuana strain to use when it come with fibromyalgia?

I've been suffering with back pain for almost 3 months now and can't sleep properly at night. I already have a prescription meds but I refrain on using them coz it only take the pain for a minute or so and back again. Then one of my friends gave me a joint to try if it makes me feel better and it does! I try asking him what it is but he has no idea also. So I started doing my own research about medical marijuana and strains that would be effective against pain and came across this about blueberry review and how it can improve your pain issue and relaxed you.
I'm not sure if that's the strain that I've tried but it has the highest pain management effect. Cbd and thc are all new to me. I also read that drinking it as tea or as a muffin/cake is an option, but is relief effects the same? Why can't they simply make pills out of marijuana - or maybe there are that I am not aware of. If it's true, then I would very much appreciate any ideas and advice on what strain is good and how to use it medically. Thanks in advance to those who'll answer.

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Welcome Darius,

I suspect that you would have more luck with your question on a site for sufferers of Fibromyalgia. However, I have heard of two patients with this disease using CBD for their pain. They used the high concentration version for relief. I understand that it can get rather expensive though.

Sorry that I could not be of more help. We are mostly focused on Cluster Headaches here with some members who have Migraines.



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I suffer migraine and fibromyalgia. I make my own CBD hash oil from industrial hemp which is easily available online in the UK. 


If you google "BHO" you'll find lots of information online about how to make it. Ignore all the fancy equipment. You can use any metal or glass tube and collect it on a piece of baking parchament placed in a soup bowl.


I take a small dab when I get home from work and another when I go to bed. I also mix the hash oil with propylene glycol so I can carry it around in a vape pen in case I get an attack of pain when I'm out and about. Just plop 4 grams of hash oil in 100ml of PG and heat and stir until it dissolves . 


I prefer CBD with as little THC as possible because I hate being stoned that's why I start from industrial hemp rather than weed. If you live in the states you'll probably have acess to high CBD/Low THC weed. We don't in the UK. Some strains to look for are AC/DC, Cannatonic, Sour Tsunami, Harlequin, Remedy, Charlotte's Web. 


When I first tried CBD I was on 7 pills a day. Now I don't take any. 

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