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gammaCore device query


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greg, if you put the word gamma into the search bar at the top right of any page and search "all content," you'll find quite a few remarks about the device.  Some high praise, a lot of okay-but-nothing-special, and some downright negative.  At least at the last time it was discussed, it was pretty darn expensive, hundreds of dollars a month if I'm recalling correctly.  I recall from the clinical trials that it didn't do as well at aborts as a good oxygen system would be expected to do, and it is considerably less effective for people with chronic CH than those with episodic.  There was some suggestion in the research reports, and some suggestion from some people commenting here, that it might have preventive effects.  If it works, portability seems to me to be its major advantage, but the cost as it has been reported here would be a factor for most people.  

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  • 1 year later...

I just found out about this device and contacted my Neurologist. No word back yet. I was just in to see him a couple of days ago and he didn't say anything about it. I just started a horrible CH cycle and am willing to give this thing a try. In the meantime... O2 is my only friend. 

Edited by fireface
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Well crap. Another dead end in a long line of disappointing attempts to find help. This neurological center in Michigan is supposed to be the Premire institute for CH treatment. They called back and I wasn't home. Told my wife it's a surgical procedure and they don't do that and blah, blah, blah. We know it's now a portable device, but they didn't. I would pay the $500 to get help. I've paid that much for O2 some months. This sucks.

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I had a unit for trial.  I am a classic male with clusters.  No other headache syndromes.  Failed to abort a single attack.  Tried to use it as a prophylactic and again useless.  I was grateful to try it but remain skeptical it helps folks with classic clusters.  The data is very unimpressive and my real world trial was more disappointing. 

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