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Beast is Back


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Need some help, I started d3 regiment over a month ago it works great had  shadows but nothing to bad had a few CH about 4 or 5 on scale I busted with HBWR 3 days after my last dose bam the last 3 nights 1 hour after I go to sleep the beast hits at about a 7 I do oxygen that helps but I have heavy shadows or a return of the beast within a few hours, I am at least 2 months in and I wont have any MM to try for a few months, the other night I did a sumatriptan tablet 25mg only because I was out of o2  Does any of this make sense? do I need to change d3, This causes a lot of anxiety Xanax helps but I am not a fan of Pharma. If anyone can give me recommendations I would appreciate it. This only my 2nd cycle in 2 years so I figure I am not chronic, So for rambling just confused on all this    

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Similar pattern for me.  I have classic episodic clusters for 3 decades.  Things start to cycle and you try everything at once to see what sticks.  Then of course once you think you have a strategy the usual go to's do not seem effective.  This last frustrating cycle found me using a bit more imitrex than I wanted.  There are lots of individual reports of rebound, bad side effects and overuse headaches but statistically adverse effects are seen in the minority of individuals.  I use Imitex 2mg sg (I get vials) when O2 fails after 20-30 minutes.  I have found that taking oral imitrex 50 mg before bed does get me a nights sleep even though its not meant to be a preventative.  It does seem to push some of the attacks to waking hours.  The anxiety, particularly fear of sleep, is normal.  Nothing wrong with the judiciously used anxietylytic.  Some use CBD oil or THC or Skullcap but that does not seem to help everyone.  Once I got some distance from Imitrex a few nighttime MM caps (low dose) seemed to slay the beast for now.  Then again the cycle may have run its course.  I am pretty sure the psilocybin did its job but there is no way to know.   I've done D3 a long time and remain plus minus on it, recently stopped all together to see if I could detect a change.  Have been through high dose steroids, antihistamines, and all the conventional meds.  GammaCore was useless for aborting and prevention.  Get your mycology effort rolling and stay ahead.  If it works for you don't run out. 

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G'mornin Teach!

If you haven't already done so, I would suggest that you send Batch a PM and see if he has any "tweaks" for you that might help!  I've seen him help many folks over the years by adjusting the regimen!!

And I second my friend Pebbles comment on honing your mycology skills......best move I've ever made in my 37+ year history with clusters!

And btw Pebbles, so nice to see your comments here old friend....I've missed ya dude!!


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