Kleinsopp Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Howdy folks! Pardon my not so good english! I'm a grown guy from northern europe. Was refered here by a girl on a local site some time ago. She said theres more people like me. So I'm here. I'll be quick. I've had migraines and skeletal/muscular pain (prolly fibromyalgia) for some years. Tried this and that, getting worse. So I found some shrooms (Psilocybe semilanceata) recently. Around 150 tiny ones. Also a friendly soul sent me some homegrowns! I was planning on preparing myself, my state of mind, after reading about bad trips etc. Physical training, yoga and meditation. So I thought i might need to wait a month or two. But now being sick of all the pain I decided to do it tomorrow. I've been in bed the last week, with migraine and back/neck pain. I'm not really well prepared to do a fullblown trip, like I thought I should do. I have no sitter. My girlfriend is also a virgin. So could I just do a tiny dose and be spared much of the psychedelic trip? I've seen people here say 0.5 g is ok. Is that okay with skandinavian Psilocybe semilanceata? Isn't it supposed to be really potent up here? Should I do less? Thanks for all input! best regards Kleinsopp, the virgin. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alleyoop Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Quote So could I just do a tiny dose and be spared much of the psychedelic trip? I've seen people here say 0.5 g is ok. Is that okay with skandinavian Psilocybe semilanceata? Isn't it supposed to be really potent up here? Should I do less? Hi Kleinsopp and Welcome! Glad you found us, but sorry you had the need. I am not familiar with psilocybe semilanceata, so I can't advise you on how many will bring what trip level. But to answer your question, yes you can start with a sub-hallucinogenic dose -- as a matter of fact, I recommend it with your first dose. Many have had good results using these doses. You didn't mention what kind of meds you are on. You need to detox from most meds for 5 days to get the best results. Use the "Forum Jump" drop-down menu at the bottom right of this page, and click on "Clusterbuster Files." You will find a wealth of information there, including dose sizes and meds that you need to detox from. Good luck, and keep us posted. alley Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonkers Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Welcome Kleinsopp, I don't know if taking .5g will do anything more than waste what little busting materials you have. I'd advise that you start with no less than 1.0g and increase the dosage by .5g until you notice that things are a little different or that the busting has been successful. There's a lot of information here, Kleinsopp. I would suggest starting with the "ClusterBuster Files" which is the last General Category listed on the Home Page. You should learn considerably more before you attempt busting. Good luck, Ron Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted October 30, 2010 Author Share Posted October 30, 2010 Thanks, guys! Alleyoop, I'm not on any meds regularly, just some when in need. I don't like taking meds and my doctor dosnt seem to like giving me them, so I have to ask for whatever I want. Lately I've tried Zomig 4 times with no results. I've used Relpax and Paralgin Forte (low dose) twice the last week. So nothing I have to come off or dose down on. Anyways, I'll check out the files! Thanks! Bonkers, I've understood that 1g shrooms (dried) is an ok firsttime trip for recreational use, so i thought I would need less if I just needed to eaze the pain. I've read a bit about use shrooms, but not so much with "busting" in mind. Mostly other peoples experiences, about bad trips, effects etc. But I think you guys have a more systematic aproach..? Will check out the files! Kleinsopp! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted October 30, 2010 Author Share Posted October 30, 2010 Great site, btw! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tingeling Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Hei Kleinsopp!! Welcome, so happy you came on this site!! Here, you will get the best help and support you can get. Pain Free wishes from me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonkers Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Hi Kleinsopp, The information on this website is both extensive and accurate. A good place to start is the "ClusterBuster Files," located at the bottom of the General Categories near the center of the home page. Don't miss 'detox,' 'psilocybin files' and 'mushroom FAQ.' Ron Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonkers Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 If you haven't discovered http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl yet, you'll do well to spend some time there. Tell 'em Ron sent you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted October 30, 2010 Author Share Posted October 30, 2010 Hei, Tingeling! There you are! Yepp, seems like a very good place to get information and help! I'm so eager to getting started. Just want to experience life without pain. Tenk så sykt digg det må være!! Yepp, I've been reading for a couple of hours now. Great info! I see that you'll need to detox even thou you've just used tings like relpax and zomig (nasal) once or twice. Due to the reseptors cross-tolerance. I thought that would only apply to everyday users (of meds). I love learning new stuff! Anyway, I used relpax and zomig 4 days ago, so I should be in the clear, maybe wait one more day? Thanks Kleinsopp Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tingeling Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Wait for one more day yes, preferably seven days.Psilocbe Sem by number. Maybe start with twenty first time. i never weigh them, you count them. Jepp, det er ganske digg å ha et liv igjen!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted November 2, 2010 Author Share Posted November 2, 2010 Woha!! I did it, I did it! Well, not that you pervert, but you know; shrooms I made tea like suggested on this forum, under files. I felt so good, so normal. And still do! Lovely! Thanks for all help! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lee_Ann Posted November 2, 2010 Share Posted November 2, 2010 Very Good!!! Wishing you many PF days and nights. Lee Ann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
This isnt fair Posted November 2, 2010 Share Posted November 2, 2010 Nicely done! PF wishes, from me as well!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alleyoop Posted November 2, 2010 Share Posted November 2, 2010 Great news! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted November 2, 2010 Author Share Posted November 2, 2010 Thanks! Suddenly I love and look forward to living everyday life! Hope this keeps up until friday! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonkers Posted November 2, 2010 Share Posted November 2, 2010 Congratulations! Very happy for you. Can you provide us with some specifics? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted November 2, 2010 Author Share Posted November 2, 2010 Yes, I can! Saturday night migraines started to fall back. On Sunday I had a migraine hang over. Worst of the pain was gone. The normal back/neck/shoulder pain was still there. It never leaves completely. Around 9 in the evening I made my tea. Made it and drank it like described in the files section with about 0,7 g of homegrown liberty caps. After 20-30 mins i started to feel real happy and cheerful. I got a larger and larger smile on my face. ALOT more inner energy. Couldnt quite keep still, making beats with my hands and legs. I felt peaceful at the same time. Normally Im kind of chaotic in my head, lots of thought running around. My thoughts kept more quiet, and my mind was more focused on one thought at a time. Things became more clear and obvious. All my pains disapeared. I was feeling so good and happy! I saw Toy Story 2 first, needed some easy entertainment. When it finished I still felt great, felt like I had extra power, all warm and strong. Put on some great music (Shpongle). I never got around stop listening to Shpongle, perfect music for this kind of activity, IMO. "Ineffable mysteries in Shpongleland", recomended! Didnt hallusinate. 4 hours after I drank my tea my girlfriend came home. I was lively og cheerful with a huge smile. She said she really loved seeing me that happy. Monday morning I woke up feeling great. None of the usual back/neck/shoulder pain. And I had slept nicely all night too! All of the noisy thoughts was still gone. Felt at eaze. We went out shopping stuff and was out for hours. Normally I would get real tired, out of focus, irritated after one hour, but I kept going with focus and physical and mental energy for 5 hours! No noise or stress got to me. We were both really happy about it! I am still much better than normally, feeling clear and focused, but notice now that some backpain is returning. Feeling less stress is also a really nice effect Great experience. Its a shame that this isnt used as medicine! But Im really happy I found out! This might really make life so much better!! Its a really great thing that this board is up and running. Keep spreading the word! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tingeling Posted November 2, 2010 Share Posted November 2, 2010 How nice About your migraines, you know that depression, chaotic thoughts, irritation etc etc is symptoms that comes along with a migraine diagnose? i know there`s people in here with migraine, maybe they will chime in and give you good advices as well? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaboom Posted November 3, 2010 Share Posted November 3, 2010 Thanks for posting the details, Kleinsopp. So happy for you! Do you have migraines and cluster headaches? Prior to this treatment, I had CCH's and along with daily tension headaches/migraines. I'm still battling the CCH's, but the duration, intensity, and frequency has improved. I've noticed a drastic improvement in migraines/tension headaches. Before/during migraine, I experience delayed speech, brain fog, confusion, sometimes vertigo (frustrating - I just feel stupid!). Now that I'm dosing, sometimes I still experience these migraine symptoms, but I never get the migraine. I probably have only about 5 "regular" headaches a month now. I hope you have continue to have sucess! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonkers Posted November 3, 2010 Share Posted November 3, 2010 Damn! This is really good stuff. Really good stuff. I effin' love reading about all these wonderful, healthful, healing experiences. So happy for you guys. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raquelinkansas Posted November 3, 2010 Share Posted November 3, 2010 Welcome Kleinsopp! Love to read 'good news' like this! Thanks for sharing! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted November 4, 2010 Author Share Posted November 4, 2010 Quote How nice About your migraines, you know that depression, chaotic thoughts, irritation etc etc is symptoms that comes along with a migraine diagnose? i know there`s people in here with migraine, maybe they will chime in and give you good advices as well? I think it also often comes with fibromyalgia. Hmm.. maybe thats why i've had good and bad months since my youth. A bit like womens periods. I get down, irritated, acne and stuff. I think it also walks hand in hand with fibromyalgia. Yes, would be nice to hear from other migrainers too. Is it normal to feel like your head is impaled, through one eye and one side of the neck? Hate that eye socket pain. That impaled feeling came around again yesterday, first the left side, then shifted to the right. Happily to say, its not there today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tingeling Posted November 4, 2010 Share Posted November 4, 2010 Can you describe how your pain feels like? Who gave you migraine diagnose, have you seen a specialist on headaches? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted November 4, 2010 Author Share Posted November 4, 2010 Quote Do you have migraines and cluster headaches? I hope you have continue to have sucess! Only migraines I think. My mother thinks it must be somethin else, she has migraines too and says mine are unnormally intense and longlasting.. I feel with the ch'ers I've seen on video, the pain and the restlessness. Feeling unable to be still and filing like ripping your head off or crushing it.. But I think ch'ers has more intens pain and some other pattern. I go from regular headaches building up a migraine attack, then falling down to normal headache. (And sometimes have some days with no symptoms. ) Repeat. Thanks, I certainly hope it will continue working out with the shrooms! It was such a great day on monday!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kleinsopp Posted November 4, 2010 Author Share Posted November 4, 2010 Quote Can you describe how your pain feels like? Who gave you migraine diagnose, have you seen a specialist on headaches? Hey! Yes, I can! I can try.. As said in the post over it starts like a normal headache, pain in front, behind eyes, and often on top of head. then it builds up ( can be days, weeks or months) to an attack that feels like I have a spear thru one eye out the neck. One side at a time, most often on the left. When Im at really at top of the peak I cant describe it. The pain is so intense that it is allconsuming, not in just the one side of the head. More like my whole head is exploding. I desperatly rub it, cant keep my legs still (kaver rundt), but I cant stand up or walk by my self. Sounds and light is really painful. I just want to tear my head of or die. I havent really gotten a diagnose other than telling my doc once how my headaches are. She said; "oh, so you have migraines then...". No specialists. But I recently got that doc, changing from another guy who didnt take me seriously. My new doc has started to check things out after I had an attack a couple of months ago, resulting in a visit by the ambulance. Recently got a ct scan, nothing found. Next up is EEG. Im not the one that shouts out loud. Have obviously not shouted loud enough for past doctors to take me seriously Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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