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My arsenal thus far


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Alrighty, in about 2 weeks I will hit my third month of this cycle. They have ramped up in intensity a bit, my primary care doc said they usually tend to do that at the beginning and end of a cycle (can anyone attest to this via experience)? While I am waiting on the oxygen, I have been experimenting with other options. 

I have solely been relying on the vitamin regimen so far. My d was at 70, Batch advised me to do one extra week of the loading schedule. In the process of this now. I have found that Red Bull and very strong ginger tea work for me at getting rid of that annoying shaddow pain (so that is some good news). And I’ve been taking melatonin at night. Aside from the o2 which I know is a necessity, does anyone else have any quick go to’s. Hoping everyone is feeling okay today! 



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Your energy drink does not matter as long as it contains a mixture of caffeine and taurine ( and maybe guarana).  I prefer Monster Zero.  There are some other ones that taste more like juice.

Don't forget ice water.  In a pinch, you can drink a glass of ice water through a straw, aiming the cold water at the roof of your mouth on the side you are having your attack.  This induces a brain freeze, which feels better than a cluster, and reduces the pain a little bit for a few minutes.

I know that trick sounds stupid, but I read it somewhere on this forum. I was out with some friends one night and got separated from my O2 tank. I might of drank 3 gallons of water that night, but I was able to fight the beast for a few hours while I wished my friend farewell. 

I think of that trick as the hand-to-hand combat of fighting the beast, armed with a pocket knife.  I can get in some strikes, but I am just buying time until I can call in the air strikes.

Edited by CHChris
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