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Verapamil To Stop CH cycle from Starting


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Hello to all. I was here a bit in october '10 asking advice to stop my CHs ...and ...I'm back.

I am episodic BUT am so far CH free since November. I recently started exercising again. That for some stupid reason seems to start (at least I believe this to be true) my cluster headache cycle. I can do yoga...and only yoga without starting a cycle.

Today, after 5 days of doing maybe 25mins of the elliptical machine/2 to 3 miles, I all the sudden feel like I am about to get to a cycle. I usually have way more time between cycles for me. :-/ :-X :-X :-X

I am going to hawaii with my gf in a month and I am scared shitless that I will be in a cycle then. What do you all think of taking Verapamil as a preventative. I client of mine said it worked wonders for him. He hasn't had any CH for 10 yrs. If any one knows about it, give me a holler. Anything would be helpful...positives, negatives, etc.

Thank you,

Jeff C

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Hello Jeff,

Bottom line is "I" don't think much of starting Verapamil.

"I" think it would be a mistake to start traditional meds. If you decided to go the busting way, you would only have to detox.

If you read some of the posts on here and see the side effects, you might re-consider.

If it was me, I would order some RC seeds and start preventive doses ASAP.

I feel my success with busting had a lot to do with  using traditional meds. for a very brief time. Then I quit and went to fungi and seeds.

Just my opinion.   Good luck with whatever you decide.


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Verapimil might take care of the attacks for a while. It did for a couple of years for me till it nearly killed me. Low BP and lethargy deluxe. Five naked Chinese girls could not have "aroused" me.

If you enjoy a good bowel movement (...and really don't we all) and sex you should not take it. Your GF will not be impressed.

The no bowel movement may make you an ideal roomy but you may have to fake a headache so you don't have to perform for her. No disrespect intended, I don't even know her. If she likes really small, non-responsive thingies go for it. ;D


No joke.

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Damn. So I can't have sex on verapamil. I haven't gotten a CH BUT I felt SERIOUSLY CLOSE to the feeling of one starting up about ten times today.

Maybe I should just chill out with the exercise and see what happens in the next few days.

As far as the "Busting"... Shrooms freaked me the fuck out last time I did them recreationally. And I barely took any. Do you just take a small amount? and what does the detox involve? I haven't been taking any meds. Well, I guess I did take a muscle relaxer the other day for my neck. Does that mess it all up? 

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So, If I want to order RC seeds (which to me seemed the easiest to take when I read all the info) can I order them legally in Louisiana?

I want the weakest trip and the easiest ones to make/take. Correct me if I am wrong on this.

I looked up "Rivea corymbosa" and saw this shamansgarden.com and saw them there for around $10.

Howe many do I need and is that the best place to get them...and ship them to my house?

Thanks again,

Jeff C

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Hey Chris. It was verapamil/lithium after a year or so....

Soooo jeffC it won't do that to you if it does at all for a good while. Oh, and Chris...quit bragging! :o :o  :o

I'm no expert at all on seeds Jeff. Sorry. Mushrooms do it for me. I too dislike the trip. I am working on that with help from my friends here. The whole thing is worth it but I still have to force myself to dose. Practice makes perfect I suppose.


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The verapamil won't take full effect for a while. No ED to worry about short term, but long term was a killer for me.

I'm with Leslie, stay away from traditional meds. Sounds like you are good to go in that department. Detoxing means getting off all meds, pain and etc, for 5 days prior to dosing.

Most of us are or were on medications to combat side effects of medications...so to speak.


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Jeff, Sorry about the new seeds... you may prefer to go the full mushy anyway. You just gotta relax and go with it. Take a light dose and watch a silly movie, or put on some Zep or Pink Floyd and really appreciate it.

Oh, and Dan, I ain't braggin...the meds have had their way with me at times too. I guess if it isn't verap, it's lithium, or topomax or thorazine or whatever. ;D-T

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Now trying to get a script of Verapamil might be aggravating.

I have no clue if I can get shrooms here.

Which states can receive the seeds? Can Texas or California? I have friends there. Maybe I could get them to sen them to me.

This condition is so fucking ridiculous. It makes me so fucking mad that NO FUCKING DOCTORS HAVE A FUCKING CLUE about any of it. And neither does my family... They think they do...but they don't. Fucking sucks. half the time I can tell they think I'm overreacting to it all. Like "suck it up and don't take any medicine. It's just a headache" kinda of crap.

Sorry for cursing.

Hipshot, I live in New Orleans.

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my daughter has CH, jeff.  in many ways, i just didn't want to know how bad it was for her, so i accepted her word for it that she'd "be okay," that hers weren't as bad as some people's . . . because it was too much torture being far away from her and imagining what she was going through (by herself).  then, visiting during a cycle and sitting up with her through a couple of terrible attacks (with no meds at all) taught me everything i needed to know about how much she was suffering. luckily, we got help from this place and she's doing much, much better, but it's still hard for me to keep from crying when i think about her CH (right now, for example).

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Yeah definitely. I am by no means a doctor BUT I majored in psychology and chemistry(pre med). I studied pharmacology quite a bit. I know my meds. I was just tired of school and eventually opted to go in my family business.

Most doctors aren't that bright (at least the ones I've dealt with) I actually taught my doctors most of what they know about CHs.

So yeah, definitely...do YOUR research for you. No doubt. Now a days there is sooooooo much info out there it unbelievable.

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Hey Jeff.

Sorry to hear you are possibly close to cycling.

Do not consider verapamil. Look at the stats; its only marginally effective at best, it causes all the nasty side effects you would associate with a blocker.. you sound like you are pretty active, you wouldn't like it. And it causes rebound up the yingyang.

While you are considering options, and doing your research, have you read the 'herbal option' posts on the general board? I don't mean to sound like a car salesman, but if you are thinking about non-med options read it. So far, 2 chronics and 2 episodics in total remission. I have been totally PF for eight weeks, longest period in three years.

My experience so far is if you take the tincture to boot shadows, it works as a pre-abortive and you're good for about twenty four hours.

If you are familiar with pharmacology, read some of the stuff out there. I think you'll be impressed.

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Hey Jeff, You're getting a lot of advice so I'll try not to add to the confusion. The bottom line is that many here, including me, believe that you're better off avoiding the prescription meds if you can. We think that because we've lived the side effects. That said, it's a bit tough to stay away from them while visiting the docs who are telling you another story, checking your blood levels, and trying to rule out other maladies. You kind of have to decide whether you're ready to say goodbye to meds or not. Taking a break from meds to go the natural route is viable, but it puts quite a damper on working through the busting process if you have only a short period of time before hopping back on the meds.

If you do go the med route, it's pretty clear what are considered the best - Verapamil being one of them. By all means go straight to the best if you can or you'll spend months in pain with meds that do nothing for you.

For what it's worth. -Chris

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Hey dude, no apologies necessary for crappity smacking cursing ;D

New Orleans is a good place to be. I am jealous.

The last time I was there I was getting hit multiple times daily. Way back before I knew shit from shineola regarding treatments.

We need to head down there again now that the torture is under control...if there is such a thing.

Texas can receive spores and or seeds. I will be glad to help you any way I can.


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