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Salvia works! For me


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I took a hit of saliva and aborted the demons.  waited 15 hours just to make sure.  drank my triggers, beer, no effect.  cluster free now.  Salvia works for me.  beware there will be some nice effects.  Bong or inhale it hard or it wont work.  So happy they are gone.  Most head shops sell it.

Just my 2.. worked for me.



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I have a hint of a headache now an then but a 20mg imitrex knocks it out.  I didn't use to abort just preventative before bed because mine usually hit around 3am.  I have read diminished pain for abort.  Make sure you have a sitter, don't want to be up walking around on it.  Mine was 40X extract so may want to go lighter.  Not a bad experience.  Much better than ice pick behind the eye :)

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First off, it's Brew (not drew). Sorry, I knew a real asshat named Drew. Bad subconscious connection. ;)

I'm with you 100% on the trip part. Used to love it in my teens. Now I hate it. But I've come to realize that right now there's no way around it, so I try to make the best of it. I become extremely anti-social during the trip, so I make sure my iPod is fully charged and loaded with some great music, and I just ask my wife to leave me alone for a couple of hours.

The results are soooooo worth it. Keep your eye on the prize.

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Thanks drew,   Damnit...Brew.

Ha the first was a typo....damned iPad takes over for me sometime.

I'm with you all the way. Anti social to the extreme for me. Shit I can't even look at myself in the mirror.

Asshat? Not sure what that is but I like it.


Ps FunGuy called me Dave so many times I just started answering to it. I don't guess I know any ass hats named Dave so it's all good.


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