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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Welcome, Ed', and sorry you have to be here. It's been rough for you, but it is going to get better. With people like spiny on your side, it has to, no way it won't. As spiny says, please tell us a little more about what you are doing now to treat/try to treat your CH. It would be best, as spiny says, for you to start a new thread, preferably in one of the more private areas, such as "Theory and Implementation." To start a new thread, click on that category from the General area, and at the top and the bottom right side of the board you will see a tab that says "Start A New Topic." To answer the question you asked elsewhere, "MM" is "magic mushrooms," or mushrooms containing psilocybin, which you mention in your first post. As you say, those can be hard to get your hands on in the short run. But there are other substances you can use for "busting" that are easier to get -- legal to buy and possess -- and there are many other things you can do, such as the vitamin D3 regimen and optimizing your oxygen system, that will also make a big difference for you. So, our new friend, let's get started making things better for you!
    1 point
  2. Be careful with how much and how long you take Prednisone as it can soften bones. My doc was very specific in the use and duration he would let me take it. I hated that because it was Prednisone was real effective for me. There are a lot of good people on this site that have a lot to offer. Please listen to them with an open mind. This site and its people have saved my life and I will be forever grateful. Good luck.
    1 point
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