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  1. A non-rebreather definitely has the vents, if you mean the circles of small holes near the top. On a non-rebreather, at least one of them has a gasket that is supposed to keep room air out as you inhale; often one of them has no gasket. It appears to me, from some unreliable googling, that rebreather/partial rebreather masks also have the vents, but maybe they are both open, with no gasket. Again, the main difference in function, as I understand it, is that the partial rebreather lets some exhaled air into the reservoir bag, while the non-rebreather lets no exhaled air into the reservoir bag.
    1 point
  2. Thanks everyone for the advice, it finally happened yesterday, I got O2, it was not easy. Chfather, I used the brother-in-law story, and it worked out fine. I started D3 a few days ago and without getting to far ahead of my self, I believe I feel better, I'll know more in a few weeks. I went to my Neuro. 3 weeks ago for the O2, and to inform him that I was busting. He is completely on board, and wants updates, he may come to Chicago next Sept. Thanks again, I hope in my next post I can report PF, or close to it.
    1 point
  3. There are no concentrators over 10LPM for home use. What they do is ,run them in series , at the same LPM. If you need 16LPM , they would set them up at 8 and 8 ALso yours must be 10LPM, I dont think it goes over 10LPM even if you can set it up higher then 10 As others have said, you are getting less then 100%, with older con. it is probably at around 90%, you can find out in specs online At least get a mask that has flaps on both sides and keep it really tight to your face , if you have that standard soft plastic mask. If you have one hole opened , you are getting only about 70% with 100% O2 and with con. 60%. Or get a CH mask to reduce mixing with air and to achieve the highest possible concentration.
    1 point
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