I'm off cycle now,I should be OK until dec,early jan.
But every time i have even the slightest indication of a CH, which it can't be in off cycle , I get scarred and frozen for about 10 seconds waiting what will happen. I immediately start to think if my tank is ready and my breathing ,pulse and BP goes up . I would get this about 5times a day.But it casuses my non-stop anxiety.
I think it triggers the memory of CH and even thhoug I quickly forget about it, that anxiety stays with be basicaly non-stop.
It's basically constant sadness, fear ,anxiety and depression . I think I have developed chronic depression by now.
It's like constant pschychological torture of what if ,like someone is playing with my sanity .Why can't I have peace in off season.
I think that as horrible as CH cycle is for me , at least I know the drill. For whaever reason I can deal better with physical pain then pschychological pain. Phisical pain goes away quickly but this pschychological pain just drags on forewer and I swear I can physically feel it too.
How to you deal with it? Do you have that kind of thinking when you are off cycle?