Uff, first hello, second forget your doc...
What do you guess your doc represents? God? Police or what? If you found something helping 4 cluster headache take it as we all do as the pain is unbearable!
In my country too it is absolutly forbidden, so what? Nothing else does have the power to stop my cycles! I break the law by any means, so what? I'm not at all criminal and no I'm not stupid telling my doc what I take...
Cluster comes and goes out off the blue so there is no way for anybody knowing what you have taken!
No law on this planet gona tell me what I'm allowed to eat or not, I really do not care! Further more, I' would like to see the ocidental judge putting me into jail because of cluster and mm, rc or even lsd...
This is how I handle this particular situation. There is no alternative than suffering tremendously of insane pain and one should take it just because of some printed letters? There is no sientific efidence we harming ourselfes or anybody or anything else when medicating the way we often do.
Cluster heads may be some kind off out-laws, kkk so what?
Suffering because papa says it is forbitten to take MM?
There is easy access to in every country to on this planet. Go and see plac s where cows are feeding in the open field. Early in the morning one goes looking for the spots off cow dung. On the top off the fresh ones one finds small fine fungis... taking around 10 of them does the job too...
Hohohoho, off course this is a call to every cluster head to become criminal
Somebody calls police please we are mostly criminals...