I need some advice. My last cycle was over 2 years ago. That was when I actually found out what I was having and found a doctor who would at least listen. She prescribed amlodipine and sumatriptan. I also discovered that O2 helped break up a bad CH. It seemed to work enough so I could work and sleep a little during the 6 weeks I had the CH's. During that cycle and all my previous cycles, always in Jan. or Feb. , my CH's were always at night about 30 minutes after I went to sleep. I would have 2 or 3 a night and that's it. I handled it by pacing, screaming, and pounding on my head. I could still cope. Then I started with the meds and O2 and then my cycle got really weird for a couple of days then stopped.
after my last cycle I did 2 things, started stocking up on the sumatriptan and amlodipine and I learned how to grow mushrooms. I dosed with mushrooms several times over the next few months and really did not enjoy the feeling much but I kept taking lower doses of a gram at a time every month or two just to ward off a CH cycle. I had no idea how to take them , just that they were reported to work. Then due to work and home life I just stopped taking them for 7 months I also stopped seeing my doctor and felt I had enough meds and I was tired of paying her all the time... ( no appointments, no blood draws = no more prescriptions) I am quite healthy and other than CH's I don't need a doctor. I had almost 3 years cluster free. I thought I would never have another CH.
3 weeks ago, Pow! I am in full blown cluster hell. I cannot pinpoint anything that would have brought it on except that I stopped the mushrooms.
On this cycle I get the CH's all the time, day and night. Immediately started taking the sumatriptan (oral 100mg) which does work but now I am running out. I refilled O2 and bought spare tanks, I tried the mushrooms to break the cycle but they don't work either now, then reading on this website I see why they probably are not working. Melatonin did not help either. The sumatriptan is starting to not work as long now, two doses will not take me through 24 hours anymore.
The sumatriptan is not good for your body and it is very expensive and I will be lucky to get a walk-in clinic to prescribe it.
My question is: Should I try to get more Sumatriptan and try to wait out the cycle? O2 helps but I'm going through tons of it, should I try to make it 5 days without the sumatriptan and try the mushrooms again? I don't know how I will do it.
I would use LSD if I thought I could find the real thing but the chance of that is very remote. Without a trusted source I may wind up with some other chemical.
I started the D3 today but do not know if that will work mid cycle.
Thanks for any advice!