Welcome Josh!
Glad that you found us. There are a lot of things that you can do for CH. The first is to get a definite diagnosis from a Neurologist or Headache Specialist. They will likely order a scan - CT, MRI, or such. This is to rule out any other issues that could be causing your pain.
Many of us have started out thinking that it was a sinus infection or dental problem. Some have had teeth pulled or sinus surgery before getting a proper diagnosis. Your PCP may or may not be familiar with CH. Most are not and you will need a referral. It sounds like CH. The main thing that you want is O2 with a non-rebreather mask and a flow of at least 15lpm. Preferably at 25lpm! You will find that it is your best friend when in cycle as it is the best abortive. The most commonly prescribed and effective medications are verapamil and Prednisone. The Pred is used short term until the Verap begins to work. Chers usually require high doses of Verap to get relief. Generally the short acting version is better than the Extended Release one. Likely you will start in the 240mg to 360mg per day range and work up from there. Imitrex is an abortive. It is available in pills, nasal spray, and injection. The pills are pretty useless for CH as they take too long to work. Injections work the fastest but you should not take more than 2 in a 24 hour period. Sprays are in the middle.
In the meantime there are a few things that you can do for yourself. For many, an Energy Shot or any caffeine will hep a lot if downed at the first sign of a hit. Check the list of triggers that can be found in the Clusterbuster Files section. Alcohol is one of the main triggers and should be avoided. Sleeping can bring on a hit, but sleeping in a recliner with your head elevated above your heart can help with nocturnal hits. Many apply hot or cold to the painful area, whichever works for you. You can deep breath - emptying your lungs completely on exhale and inhaling deeply. This helps remove the Nitrogen from your lungs and get in more O2. Some put their feet into water as hot as they can stand it. Others swear by vigorous exercise. Keep a regular sleep schedule! Naps can often be a trigger.
Read thru some of the Clusterbuster Files. They will give you a lot of info. The closed boards (Share your Busting Stories and Theory and Implementation) discuss alternative treatments. Ask questions! Others will chime in with suggestions for relief. Everyone here knows your pain. Know that you are not alone! We are here to help.