Hi Mit12,
From what i could read from your other posts in this forum I have exactly the same as you.
With me migraine always start with an attack of mild intensity between 4 - 5 am. Always the same time. By the time I get up however, the headache is gone and I can function normal. But if around early afternoon I start to feel my right ear glowing and a slight pressure on my eye followed by slight dizziness and when the nausea and aversion for light start to kick in its time to go into a dark room in my bed and rest. But then the intensity is gradually increasing and increasing. The pain behind the eye and on the temple get so excruciating that it feels like someone is cutting with a glowing scalpel in these nerves around that area. The eye start to get red and I get a running nose. Stay in my bed has now become impossible and I get up and walking around very agitated. It happened a few time I passed out from the intensity of the pain. After an hour the pain goes away and in 50 % of the cases, the migraine also goes away but if it does not, such an attack can come again as long as the migraine takes (usually 48 hours).
Now I always have used Zomig to abort the attacks and that has worked perfectly but I was taking Zomig too much for my liking and so I decided to visit a neurologist specialized in migraine in the University Hospital here in Belgium. After telling my story in all detail, he came back with an attestation that I was diagnosed with cluster headaches during migraine and the prescriptions for oxygen. I was very surprised because I have never considered CH. He told me that this is rare to have CH like this but that it is a known pathology. I have the two really linked together. In my case CH will never appear outside a migraine attack and on the other side, if I let my migraine untreated, cluster events will always appear.
To my big surprise, the oxygen works like charm ! To be short, my Zomig use has gone from 4 pills a month on average to zero ! Oxygen seems to work best after the first morning attack has eased. If I can then take 15 min oxygen, its all gone.
To compare both cluster headache and migraine, none of them is for the faint of heart. I fear cluster headache for its extreme pain which is very sharp and very concentrated on one point and extremely intense. Migraine is more a throbbing and pushing pain far less intense but migraine can one make so miserable and ill because the entire system is gradually shutting down and worse, if untreated, a migraine attack can take up to 72 hours without any relief in between.