Hey Matakarap,
Don't wait... Start the anti-inflammatory regimen with 10,000 IU/day now. Download the treatment protocol from the following link and take a copy to your PCP to discuss when you ask for the lab test of your serum 25(OH)D. That way you'll both be singing from the same sheet music when you go back after 30 days on this regimen for lab tests of your serum 25(OH)D, calcium and PTH.
I'd also suggest ordering some Bio-Tech D3-50 (50,000 IU water soluble vitamin D3 capsules).
You start this regimen with a 12-Day accelerated vitamin D3 loading schedule at 50,000 IU/day for 12 days. After that, you can lower the vitamin D3 dose to one 50,000 IU vitamin D3 capsule every 5 days or one a week. You'll need all the other vitamin D3 cofactors listed in the treatment protocol.
Even if you're CH pain free now, starting this regimen as soon as you've had the blood draw will help prevent the next CH cycle and... provide a huge number of health benefits... This regimen also works well with busting...
Take care and please keep us posted.
V/R, Batch