A professional, competent, PATIENT-oriented oxygen supply service will NOT make a new patient's life even more miserable (just because they used the "wrong" terminology) by throwing out ridiculous comments like a rebreather mask will "kill you". A rebreather simply gives you a mix of O2 and room air....which won't work for CH....but lots of other valid uses for folks WITH a prescription for same. And which, BTW, will not kill THEM either! Sounds like something a person or company in the wrong business would say.....instead of RESEARCHING what CH PATIENT requirements are...then providing THAT....and explaining away any confusion. Seems like you need to educate them...just like many a clusterhead has had to educate their treating Doc. We have to be our own best advocates...…………...
PS If all ya got is the mask pictured above...tape over the holes so you are not getting any room air (slightly lift mask to exhale)....or just breath directly from the hose sans mask...