Sorry you have had to join the Cluster community. Welcome and thanks for sharing your story. First remember those who frequent this forum are a diverse group with broad personal experience trying to manage the beast. Some folks have a broader perspective while others hold strongly held opinions. Ultimately you have to make your own choices and do what is best for you. Present thoughts are included in this caveat. The purpose of the EKG monitoring of verapamil is to identify conduction disturbances that the drug could contribute to or to screen folks for abnormal heart rhythms which the drug could worsen. First degree heart block is general a benign condition and alone generally does not result in a slow heart rate (bradycardia) . Most verapamil conduction disturbances are related to higher doses more than 240 mg a day. Many use 960-1200 mg a day if they can stand the constipation. There is very little data or reports of cardiac rhythm disturbances with triptans. In rare cases there may be some compromise to the cardiac muscle because of blood vessel constriction. My suggestion would be to have a proper cardiac evaluation to look a baseline function and not simply assume the medications are the culprit. Your findings may be from an underlying predisposition. Read the resources on the site. Consider trying oxygen, Give D3 a try. Hold off on considering busting until you have a definitive answer regarding your cardiac function.