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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2021 in Posts

  1. I guess not permanently, but I have been in remission since 2011. Last cycle (2011) busted with RC seeds.
    2 points
  2. I had some positive experience in preventing attacks during a cycle with exercise, and in particular swimming. Once, I might have been trying to push it too hard though when I realized there was an attack coming and thought I could stop it with swimming (there is a public pool just a few hundred meters from my house, so I can get there really quickly within a few minutes). What seems to be working quite well though is running. It does not always work, but I was able to stop an attack during onset when immediately going out for a 5km run (about 25 minutes). I assume running works better than swimming for me because of the upright body position during running and the ability to get more oxygen in at higher heart rates. I try not to go to high though with the heart rate, but rather try to keep it at around 130-150bpm for at least 25 minutes.
    1 point
  3. interesting report from a pretty strong group. Personally I believe you have to do"the work" either counselling of self reflection to gain success. The psychedelics are just a tool. The article exceeds size limits so Ill try and link it https://elifesciences.org/articles/62878
    1 point
  4. Just wanted to say Thank You for everyone here. Last February 6th I started the roughest cycle I had ever been through in 17 years of dealing with Clusters and everyone here was nice enough to help me get through it. My mind did wander to some bad places during that cycle and it no longer does as the wisdom of this group brought me to the right place. Thank You for all you do.
    1 point
  5. Kudos on the lifestyle change! In 2018 I ditched alcohol, gluten, dairy and meat. I'm living in the best physical condition of my life and the Beast is still there, always there.
    1 point
  6. Hello! i managed to control my cycle with exercise. Cardio. So it works to abort and control not as a trigger.
    1 point
  7. Exercise hurt sometimes when you are not fully prepared and pushing yourself hard beyond your limits. It's a major reason why many athletes not test their limits and love to remain a mediocre. I'd suggest to not overthink about yourself and the results, in fact staying in the present while doing exercise motivates a lot during exercise.
    1 point
  8. I've been testing things out and running pretty regularly this cycle (3-4 times/week). For the most part, no issues. So, I don't think it's a direct trigger for me. I did for the first time though, have an attack on Sunday; 10km into what ended up being a 13.5km run. I've never had a hit while running. Have had a few right after running. So, this was a first. I had zomig with me, but decided not to take it, to see how continuing to run would work out (another first for me). I did find that it never really ramped up to a full intensity hit. Only to around a kip 2. And went away after about 20 minutes (15 of which were running + 5 as a passenger in the car heading home). My attacks usually last an hour. So, this was really interesting for me. I had read the posts about aborting with physical activity. But I really never could have imagined being able to do it. Will definitely be doing more experimenting with this one. Side note - not sure if it's the verapamil (now on 120mg x 3/day); but I do find my runs feel harder than they do when out of cycle. And I've been running at a much easier pace too.
    1 point
  9. I've also never heard of one being triggered by exercise but I can definitely attest to exercise taking them away. I recently started having CH's again after not having them since 2015. I haven't had them all my life, but I started getting them in 2015 and I knew they were crazy. I found this D3 regimen way back then and followed it until they went away. But jumping jacks ALWAYS help take mine away. I do about 6-7 sets of 20 or so basically resting in between sets until I can gradually feel it going away. Now I have my own place so its a lot easier to get up and just do some jumping jacks without disturbing anyone else or looking crazy. Also running helps me also. Running in place doesn't really help but if I just run around in a circle, (if I can't run outside at the time) works also. But I prefer the jumping jacks.
    1 point
  10. I've been experimenting with this for the past week. Body weight exercises, running, walking, etc. For me, CH does not discriminate against physical activity. But on the flip side, physical activity helps prevent complete CH attack manifestation.
    1 point
  11. I have seen people post that running, push ups, exercise helps them abort an attack. But in the year or so I’ve been here I do not recall some one saying it triggers them...
    1 point
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