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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Been a very long time since I regularly posted here. 2005 maybe. We all used to get way off subject and have a good laugh too. Still get news updates etc. I don't check many though, prefer to forget I ever went through this. Tempts fate kind of thing. I had them 18-40 classic case, they just went away in 2006 when I turned 41. Used to get them for around 6 weeks either triggered in Autumn or Spring, abrupt pressure chages in weather. I live in Scotland so no luck there as weather can be all over the place even at the best of times. Only got them back for one season in 2012 but was going through a hell of lot of stress then and hence a lack of sleep, never had them back since. Anyway reason for post is this: I have never known one person in the flesh in all my years (57 now) that has suffered from clusters so I can't test this out. Luckily my 2 sons ( 22 and 27) don't get them. One has twinges the other nothing at all. No other extended family members either. The one that does I just tell him to get on Oxygen and he has never went full blown..yet. Fingers crossed. I still have two 15ltr flow rate bottles on NHS just in case. All I get now are long severe sneezing fits on really bad weather days I'd normally be going into an attack and insomnia on blustery nights. It never develops into the usual signs of onset though. So maybe worth a try to induce sneezing and see if it helps stave one off. Sniff a little pepper or something. Sounds a bit silly I know but..nothing ventured etc. Sorry for the long mail just don't want to anybody to think I was a troll or some kind of idiot. Great to see the site is still helping folks. Wish you all the best. Jason.
    1 point
  2. Thank you for the rapid response. So far so good! I'm back on the maintenance phase as of today. I'll keep the post updated.
    1 point
  3. This is the last week to book your hotel room at the group rate ($139-king, $159-2 queen). After August 24 you will not be able to take advantage of this great deal. You can find the link to obtain this rate on our conference webpage: https://17thclusterbustersconf.planningpod.com/
    1 point
  4. ...another article of interest x/migraine again website Can LSD and Magic Mushrooms Treat Migraine and Cluster Headache? — Migraine Again
    1 point
  5. If anyone here needs some financial help in getting to the conference, please let me know. Write to me at Bob@clusterbusters.org Hope to see you there. Bob Wold
    1 point
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