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Everything posted by b.g.
ain't that the truth!!!!! im bound and determined to knock this shut out and take my life back though. after I was first diagnosed, and then the months flew by, I had given into the fact that this was a part of my life on a daily basis forever...... well just a short few months later im not sure im gonna give in so easy. you guys have a lot to do with that. im gonna break this thing......
thank ya thank ya... it more or less goes back to the original question, just replacing the seeds with the shrooms. I really didn't want to mess around with a bunch of smaller doses if I was going to just end up spinning my wheels, while waisting time, and getting nowhere as far as busting this thing. im thinking that 35 might be a good place to start. I have actually ingested both shrooms and LSD for recreational purposes, but that was 20 years ago. so I don't really have a fear of going "too far" per say..... its probably more of a fear that im not going to ingest enough. im still reading and sifting trough peoples journals and past experiences so who knows.... that number may be 50 seeds by the time I have them crushed up and in front of me, but I definitely wont be going any higher than that for the first try. on another note, I just had one sneak up and really take a chunk out of me. it very well could be 100% coincidence, but I haven't had one come on so hard so fast in a LONG time so im wondering if it is due to the slight decrease in verapamil and depakote today. either way, I was still able to abort in less than 5mins. with o2 and red bull
welcome........ and welcome back!! best of luck in all your ventures
GREAT THREAD!! also wanted to add that the bags are "buy 2 get 2 free" right now on the www.mycofactory.com website. I also see a note there that they will be going out of business sometime shortly after the new year...... just wanted to pass it along :)
once again, thanks for the input!! and feel free to hijack away im open to any and all suggestions/info from everyone so feel free to keep throwing it out there!!
wow, thanks all so much for the input, stories, encouragement, and just plain love for the cost and legality of the seeds it seems like a no-brainer to me. I have to at least give it a shot!! but yes, im still going to be on the ball about getting a small garden going. the sooner the better.... no matter what my particular busting method may end up being. I dropped my verapamil by 100mg and depakote by 250mg and really don't feel any different either way. at this rate I should be completely off the meds in 5-6 days. as long as everything seems well, ill drop another 100 and 250 tomorrow and so on.... I will be sure to keep everyone posted!! thanks again!!
I have actually taken the mask off my set up and am sucking straight from the hose...... still not quite quick enough.
thanks!! yeah im drinking more than $200/mo. in rockstar..... somethings gotta change.
haha, thanks for the reply. yeah, the more i read, the more i know how much this is different for all of us. i have TOTALLY gotten used to having oxygen within a 5min walk from me at most. im lucky enough to 99% abort after just a few shadows..... but for those first couple months i had to bear the brunt and ill never forget that. so im lucky, but not so lucky in the fact that they just havent gone away. period. so just the oxygen for 5 days and no meds before the seeds? i think i can handle that!! i havent actually started the mushroom grow.... im geared up for it, but if the seeds work, ill hold off for obvious reasons.
im still reading as fast as i can but am i to understand that i must start the detox process now? i didnt know a detox was necessary. gald im here. i should stop taking all meds today for 3-4 days? before trying an alternative method?
yup, you got it...... well my o2 script from dr. tepper actually says 7-17lpm on the oxygen, but i use apria and they only have regs up to 15lpm. yes, more o2 would be nice and i have been eyeing those optimasks for awhile ill have to read up on the D3....... and yes, it has been a month long project, but i have already began construction on a letter to those "past" dr.'s. i need to carefully word that and finally mail it out. thanks again..... really. thank you.
sorry, add on, because if you have the need to do so, you NEED TO go see this guy. i think i have seen him 4-5 times now and its really the cats meow. the office/waiting room is dark. they already know i have never waited more than 10 minutes after arriving to see him. the visits are about as long as you need them to be. there is no "wham bam thank you maam" crap. he is genuine and will sit with you for 60-90 minutes if needed. i honestly think he only schedules 4-5 appts per day.
wow, thanks, thanks, THANKS, and double thanks funny, i was just reading another thread about seeds.... probably as you were typing your response to me. that may be the way to go. and i have heard/read a bit about the BOL-148 but didnt know about the list. i do now i think im going to order some seeds right this second.... i will have more questions about all that though so stick around Dr. Stewart Tepper in the headache and facial pain offices at the Cleveland Clinic. i wasnt sure if i was supposed to post info like that on here, but since you asked i went through a family doctor, a chiropractor, 2 neurologists, and a neurosurgeon during the 59 days of hell that i will never ever forget. i finally decided to go "play with the big boys" and made the 4.5 hour drive to cleveland clinic. mind you, at this time i had no idea what was happening to me...... beyond the fact that i was dying slowly and painfully each and every day. made it to cleveland, and within 5 minutes Dr. Tepper was hot on the diagnosis trail. he knew all the right questions, and really seriously has some education on this crazy thing we have. after HIM asking ME (rather than me telling the other 5 doctors) about symptoms, he started asking me questions like: --does your nose run? --is it only one side of your head/face? --do you pace or feel agitated? i sincerely thought i was speaking with god. who was this man and how did he know everything thats been going on in my life for the past couple months? he smiled, told me i have cluster headaches, gave me some friendly crap about him being an indians fan (i wore a tigers shirt to the visit) and then drug an o2 tank and a imitrex shot kit into the room and starting showing me my new life. well, after ordering the necessary xrays and mri's to be 100% positive. anyways, yes, Dr. Tepper. Cleveland Clinic. 216- six three six-5549 he IS a cluster Dr.
just wanted to say congrats to the OP, and thanks for everyone who has posted here so far. some great info in this short thread
fantastic! i hope i have the success you do. may i ask about your dosages and cluster history? i will be trying them for the first time soon. 9 months straight hell for me. no more than a couple days c.h. free at a time. maybe a total of 15-20 pain free days total in 9 months.
first of all, thanks for having this site, and 2 thanks goes out to anyone who takes the time to read this let me "dump" on you all for a second here: had my first cluster back in jan. this year. to make a long and often told story short, i went through 59 days of hell on earth and 5 doctors (and numerous bullshyt meds) before finally being diagnosed and prescribed verapamil, depakote, imitrex shots, and o2. the clusters also kicked a horners in me so i have a severe sensitivity to light..... and my marriage has gotten about as dark as my surroundings. not to mention losing my job over this disease too. my first attack came just a few months after i got married, and this is taking a HUGE effect on not only myself, but my new marriage as well. it is pretty safe to say i am "chronic". i had 1-6 clusters a day in the beginning, but since being diagnosed/treated i have managed to go a day or 2 here and there cluster free but thats about it. 99% of the time i can abort with o2, sans the occasional one that grabs me in my sleep, i wake up too late, and take the shot. after being diagnosed i felt scared, relieved, hurt, lost, and just about every other emotion know to humans combined. this is a pretty crappy hand to be dealt in life. anyways, i have a GREAT doctor, best in the world IMO. he is at the cleveland clinic and i cant say enough about him. he has worked with me numerous times on tweeking meds to try and bust the cycle, but it just isnt happening. i have accustomed to life dragging o2 with me everywhere, but all the pills are really starting to affect me and my marriage. zero sex drive, tired all the time, real short fuse .... ect. i KNOW i am hard to live with and i love my wife to death, but the docs only option is to keep raising pill levels and at this point i dont think i can take it anymore. i am currently on 1500mg depakote and 600mg verapamil daily. i know this is probably lower than some of you, but i dont think i can go much higher and maintain a healthy marriage (not to mention kidneys and liver). ok, time to cut to the chase i have decided to grow mushrooms, and i need advice on dosing. i know we are all different, as well as our necessary dosages, but i guess im just looking for a little support/info from a few of you that may be "in my shoes" as far as length of times ect. i have heard anything from a couple .5g doses to a whopper dose to knock it out for the first time around, and then maintenance dosages after. 9 months straight, maybe a total of 15-20 cluster free days in that time, no more than 2 in a row. im scared stupid to be posting about this, but i really am pretty "iffy" about it and need some help.