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Everything posted by b.g.
Yup, I found a home for it. Thanks though. Nope, sorry. That's the only one I have available. I purchased it on accident and really just wanted to get my money back out of it. I was looking for a demand system for my "E" tanks and couldn't find a complete setup at a decent price so I was going to piece one together. Of course as soon as I purchased this regulator, a complete unit popped up : If you (or anyone else) needs one please let me know. I'm always on the look-out for o2 related stuff, and usually can find decent deals.
Howdy sir, Yes, you are correct, this would be for a smaller tank (D or E). I am 99% sure I found a new home for it already though. My apologies if you were interested. If for some reason I am wrong about the new home thing I will let you know right away.
I have been a Tigers fan my entire life. My father is a big baseball fan, and Tigers fan, so I was kinda born/raised into it. BUT ....... I have the utmost respect for Cubs fans. Truly. The Cubs haven't won SQUAT in 105 years but yet they sell out every home game. Amazing fans, amazing city, amazing program. My DREAM is to see a Cubs/Tigers World Series. And I know TONS of Tigers fans who feel the same. There was a poll last season to pick "rival" teams in the opposite league as the MLB was looking to make some solid changes concerning inter-league play. The Tigers fans voted almost unanimously that the Cubs should be our inter-league rival and we should play them every year. I went to Wrigley field for the first time last summer to see the Tigers play 3 games there. (first time in forever that the Tigers played there). WOW .... DOUBLE WOW .... I had goosebumps from the moment I walked in the stadium. SUCH A WONDERFUL FEELING to be amongst so much history and so many great fans. I even plucked a couple pieces of the ivy off the wall, brought it home, and cloned it
Not sure if anyone needs one, but I figured I would offer it here before I put it on eBay. I have an extra (brand new/still in package) Inovo regulator for sale. 25lpm, 50psi, and 2 DISS ports to attach a demand valve if desired. $30 (I'll pay the shipping costs) Paypal, cash, or money order can be used for payment. Post here or p.m. me if interested.
Tigers WIN!! 8-) Yes, that means the Twins lost Cassidy We (the tigers) are having amnesty day today. You are more than welcome to become a true and die-hard Tigers fan with no foul implications today! So come on over and join a real fan club!! (plus, you know we are winning the World Series this year)
I'll be going to see my doctor on Thursday this week. Dr. Tepper at the Cleveland Clinic. I will ask him, as he is one of the few "CH Specialist" doctors in North America and stays well on top of everything that is going on. He has published tons of books, reviews, and editorials on CH and gives seminars very often to help raise awareness with other doctors who have no idea what a CH is. http://my.clevelandclinic.org/staff_directory/staff_display.aspx?doctorid=8820
Happy Opening Day! GO TIGERS!!
Just wanted to wish everyone a safe, happy, and healthy Easter day. I hope you get to eat lots of good food!!
Nerve Stimulator - Prof. Jean Schoenan - Feb 2013
b.g. replied to swiftlaw's topic in Research & Scientific News
I definitely missed that meeting?!!? How could this be? Do you need a minion Dan? Quality control inspector? -
With all due respect to you and your personal wishes/choices, there have been NUMEROUS studies completed throughout the world, with NUMEROUS subjects used as experimentation and as solid base subjects. I'm not talking hundreds .... but rather 10's of thousands of subjects. England, U.S.A., Australia, Canada, Germany, France..... the list goes on and on and on .... but the numbers don't lie. Between 10 to 30% of regular users will develop dependency. Only about 9% will have a serious addiction. In my honest opinion these numbers are a bit high ..... but I'm not the scientist nor the psychotherapist ..... I just calculate their numbers. There is a MUCH LOWER addiction rate with tinctures, salves, medibles, and oils compared to your back woods "smokers". Studies have shown that the addiction is from THC. New age users are not looking for the THC, but rather the CBD properties. The CBD's in fact counteract the THC. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS (trust me) are being spent to hybridize strains of marijuana with the lowest THC and highest CBD numbers possible. Weed has changed. It's not the "everyday hippie let's get high" drug anymore. Not even close. With these changes come a lower addiction rate and a higher healing power. Anyone looking to just get high may find marijuana to be gateway drug ... sure .... but anyone using marijuana in a medicinal fashion is seeing the future of modern medicine for NUMEROUS ailments.
HIYA MG!! To begin, you come off as a wonderful person. I have perused your website and seen your gift of creativity and goal orientation. It is an inspiration. Believe that. I hope that we may meet someday. Secondly, I don't have a "jar", but I do have this little bar between my living room and my kitchen. In the corner I keep a pen and paper so that I (or anyone else) can write down their feelings....... or whatever strikes the mind. I know I have used it more than a few times, and I recommend it to others as well. Personally, I think I am in a little worse shape than you are, but I am sooooo very thankful for my daughter. My love for her and her love for me truly keep me going. I am thankful for all of you. The people that just don't quit, when quitting would be the easy and acceptable way out of this mess. I am thankful for my dog, who has become my best friend, champion, and savior over the past year. I am thankful that I was imbedded with a little bit of fight instead of a little bit of laziness.Â
+1 I spent a little over a year knee deep in activism/growing and have seen first-hand the wonderful things cannabis can do for people.
A lot of people find that the energy drinks don't keep them awake. Can't promise that, unfortunately . . . just sayin'. Agree. Silly as it may sound, I (along with most of us) have either built a tolerance to the chemicals, or have just plain learned how to mentally block the chemicals that keep you awake and get you all wired up. I drink 3-5 16oz. Rockstar drinks every day. I can pound one and fall asleep 30 minutes later.
$2 each or 6 for $10. Get your tickets to see Dan shake his ass!! I accept cash, money orders, credit cards, Paypal, IHOP gift certificates, and Disney Dollars
Well now you have me all kinds of wondering Does the Red Bull rep show up on the last night and hand out a free years supply? Does Dan hire 50 hookers? Free lap dances maybe? [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
Hi BeastBuster,    Yeah that sounds like some of the typical crap a lot of us have put up with. When I first started having my attacks I saw my regular family doctor. He didn't have any solid answers, so he referred me to "the best Neurologist in Ft. Wayne, IN". A total waste. He had no answers, so he referred me to the "best neurosurgeon in Northern Indiana" ...... another waste. A couple of doctors later I finally got a referral and letter of recommendation to a Dr. at the Cleveland Clinic. That's where I finally learned that I have CH. Soon after i found this message board. Here is a list of "clusterhead approved" doctors: http://www.ouch-us.org/chgeneral/OUCH%20DOCS%20-%20US%2005-20-2012.pdf If you have the ways/means I would try to see one of the docs on that list. I can't speak personally for any of those Dr.'s except for my own ..... but I feel pretty confident he would prescribe me dinosaur sweat and unicorn poop if I asked him.
HIYA MOXIE!! I found smoking marijuana to be a small trigger. It seemed like (and I could totally be wrong, it just seemed like) if I took small hits and didn't cough I was fine. If I went into a mad coughing episode, it would trigger an attack. I don't smoke anymore (I used to live in a state where it's legal medically) but I do find that marijuana glycerine oil, THC/CBD capsules, or even just the good old fashioned "pot brownie" help TREMENDOUSLY for my residual facial pain after a full on attack. Added note, for those of you who live in medical states, and I think there are 16 or 17 of them now, you can get your card for cluster headaches. Even if smoking it isn't your thing, there is a wide array of medibles, oils, and salves out there that can be way more beneficial than an any pharm pain reliever ... and easier on the liver too. To really answer your question though ... you are correct, marijuana causes mild vasodilatation (the opposite of vasoconstriction, which is what we are looking for)
Yup, I agree with all of the above. Especially in the fact that it is different for all of us. I am a "pack a day+" smoker. I will say with some amount of certainty that smoking is NOT a trigger for me as I have quit a few different times ranging from 3-7-20 days and it has been no difference either way. BUT..... once I feel the shadows coming, a cigarette WILL speed up a full on attack. Smoking while going through an attack would be physically impossible for me. It just hurts too much and makes things that much worse.
Good morning jeebs! hmmmmm .... worth a try I guess. Any info on interactions with other drugs? Highly doubtful that there would be any interaction .... but I figured I would ask anyways.
Did we have a site update and lose a few posts? Or am I losing my mind? Don't answer that 2nd question How many of you will be staying on Saturday night? What's the norm? Do people usually fly/drive out right after the festivities end on Saturday? I'm starting to make the necessary plans and although I'm only a 3-4 hour drive from Chicago I'm definitely getting a room for Thurs/Fri nights and just wondered if I should plan on heading back home Saturday evening or staying the night?
Yes, I do not know the exact percentage ... but I would say that high flow oxygen works for 85-95% of us. It will become your best friend. If you read the link I posted for you below about o2 you will learn how to use it properly and it will kill an attack within minutes. The ONLY time oxygen doesn't work for me is if I get woke up out of a deep sleep. Sometimes by then I am already into the attack too deep and o2 doesn't do anything for me. In those episodes I have to resort to an Imitrex shot ..... but that is pretty rare. For the most part, I rely solely on oxygen. As most of us do. MAKE SURE you read the info posted below in the links ... and if you need to, print it off and take it to your Dr. with you. You need pure medical oxygen. Not a "condenser". You need a HIGH FLOW regulator. At least 15 liters per minute. Most of us use a regulator that goes up to 25lpm, but you might have to purchase that on your own ($30 on ebay) as some medical supply facilities only carry the ones that go up to 15lpm. To answer your second question, YES, you will need to be 100% free of anything except oxygen for 5 days before the seeds will work. The 5 day waiting period allows your body to completely clean out and it will allow the seeds to work without being affected by anything else you might have in your system. oxygen link:http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1319283840 5 day waiting period link: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130731
Welcome!! Not much more I can add to the mix ..... just a big "welcome"!!
Since we have fully hijacked this thread now (sorry Victor) I will share a quick story. Last summer I messed up and got a D.U.I I won't make excuses for myself ... but divorce, moving out of the house, clusters, broke ...... I dove into the bottom of a bottle. Anyways, part of my sentence were these group therapy sessions. The MINIMUM was 18 sessions. Twice a week, 3 hours per meeting. It was a real pain. About my 3rd or 4th session someone brought up suicide. Now it was pretty well known that in these types of meetings you just keep your mouth shut and say whatever you think the counselor wants to hear because if he thinks that you need "more help" he has the power to keep you in those classes as long as he sees fit. I had always lugged an "E" tank in with me just in case, and as usual I just blew it off when asked why I had o2. "I get headaches" is my normal answer. We all know by now that it's pointless to explain CH to some people and I was surrounded by "those people". So the new guy in the class brings up suicide and the counselor quickly cuts him of with some pyscho babble bullsh*t about "suicide is never the answer" and what-not. I laid it all out on the table right then and there. I spent the next 30 minutes educating the group on CH and that YES there is a reason that death can be better than life. I blew the doors off the joint. The "old timers" in the group (the guys that had 15-16 sessions in and were nearing the end) were just shaking their heads with that look in their eyes like "this dude is NEVER getting out of here after a tirade like this". It was priceless, but at that moment in time, I didn't care. That was the first time I had actually used the words "Cluster Headache" in that group therapy thing. The counselor went home that night and googled it and educated himself further. The next day I got a phone call telling me not to bother coming back to group sessions. He faxed a letter to the judge saying that I was successfully discharged from sessions and had completed my therapy
right on cue [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]
Welcome to the site Donnie!! Well, I guess I will start by echoing everything the weatherman said. 2 years and 2 months of high chronic here. I was lucky /persistent enough that I got diagnosed after just 2 months. I haven't gone more than a 7-9 days pain free since day one..... no matter what busting methods I have used. CHFather will be along shortly with his patented post that will have a ton of great links for you to read (if you haven't already) on seeds, D3, and some other goodies. It's been said before, and I will say it now. We are some tough mother f*ckers. Believe it or not .... over time your threshold for pain will become superhuman. You will find great information and great people on this message board. We are literally the only people in the world who know what this thing is and what it can do. Get the oxygen. Get the o2ptimask. Get a demand valve or at least a 25lpm regulator. Get the Imitrex for a "last ditch" effort. Stay in close contact with your doctor. There is a list around here of "clusterbusters.com certified doctors" and if your doctor isn't on that list, there's a good chance you will be able to either teach your doctor a few things ..... or add him to the list. We are a goofy bunch. I think that's an inherent characteristic of a clusterhead. Welcome aboard!