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Everything posted by Hipshot

  1. Shell, The mix up is understandable. I keep getting you and Cindy confused in my peabrain. The mouthpiece sounds like a good idea; I will try it too, thanks Alleyoop.
  2. I can't stress it enough. I was amazed when LA bought me the right mask. Wishing you and your friend the best. Dan
  3. Shell. Dan here:) the right mask ,makes all the difference. One trick is when exhaling: make sure to empty your lungs completely...to the last bit of air. Get the carbon dioxide out. A little diddy that Denny shared with me. It will work for you this time. I can feel it!
  4. Hi guys. Mexico sounds good to Lee Ann and I. The fishing would be worth the trip by itself. This really sounds like a good idea to me. Sign me up too. .....Glad to finally be on the board after years of Lee Ann being on. Thank you all
  5. Thank you for that Mr Denny. I too will pass, but it would (in my case anyway) be a good way of getting the dose done and over with. Sounds it could be someplace one might go and never return. Now that would suck! Kinda scared just thinking about it.
  6. Thank you for that Mr Denny. I too will pass, but it would (in my case anyway) be a good way of getting the dose done and over with. Also sounds like it could be someplace one might go and never return. Now that would suck! Kinda scared just thinking about it.
  7. I usually count on having an attack or two the day after busting and then I am good to go. When I first started dosing that was most certainly the case; I could count on the day after being hell. Seems not to be as bad after the first several doses. I have also wondered about a preventative cap under the tongue but have not tried it.
  8. Denny, can you just tell me what all of this means in less than 50 words? BTW ditto on seeya in Chicago everyone. Dan
  9. hey Denny my main man! I never needed much help in the getting in trouble dept. but always "funner" with good buddies. Had a fun trip but a bad case of the Green apple quickstep when I got back home. All better now. It actually may have been the "Oregon wild blackberry quickstep".
  10. Hello everyone! This is Dave!!!! Not really, this is Dan and I am finally on the board! The main thing that I wanted to say is that during my talk to everyone I failed to mention Lee Ann enough. Lee Ann, Lee Ann, Lee Ann! There. LA and I have been lots of places but Portland was the trip of a lifetime. What great people! Cindy, I hope you got a new O2 mask...makes all the difference. Daniel, my brother, you and I could be trouble together. I cant wait. Denny...you know. To Bob, Dr. Halpern and Doug ...THANK U
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