I wore the device from 10am yesterday morning, didn't really know where to put the electrodes, was busy working and didn't had the time to think, but the normal 10am one was a bid bad, so I just placed it at the back of my neck, and it helped. When the 12:30 one started I put it on again. The rest of the day I felt almost like dancing! But it was short lived!
My hits are normally plus minus every 2 and half hours. The 9pm one was worse and the device made no difference. The 11pm one was bad again and I had to use O2. Lately the O2 isn't working so well anymore, but although I was hit every hour last night, which was more often than normal, the O2 plus device aborted it after 5 min every time, but I'm very sleep deprived lately, and did not stay on the O2 longer, just topped over and slept again, suppose that is why it was every hour.
After a bit of anatomy study I put the electrodes now on the front of neck between the oesophagus and trachea, the N vagus is nearest to the skin there I think. But today I didn't feel like dancing again, will see how tonight goes!!