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  1. I suspect this one ingredient could and should be isolated for testing on CH. Read Leslies update. It is certainly getting a lot of attention as of late. All the other ingredients have a touch of anti inflammatory abilities or mild hormonal type abilities that may help. The amanu stands out as the biggest possibility for benefit in this concoction.. http://rain-tree.com/anamu.htm#.UyZpEVJOWpo MJ
  2. MJ


    A compilation of CH videos many of us have seen. Number 11 speed painting is wow. http://wn.com/cluster_headache
  3. "do or can the RC seeds affect a CH in progress ? Feb 1st, 2013 at 11:35am " Yes. If one has already dosed with seeds initially within the last few days, you can often abort an attack with just a few powdered seeds sublingually (dissolved under the tongue). Same as a shroom sput.
  4. Hi didgens its been a while since I posted here. There is a difference between a cluster cycle and cluster triggers. Many people have varying triggers sometimes real sometimes imagined that happen during a cycle but wont affect them at any other times. MSG is a big trigger as is alcohol for many in cycle. Most true triggers will involve something to cause a chemical changeup in the body or mind. I think in the long view (years) most triggers people thought they had just weren't so. But there are some constants. A cluster cycle happens for no definitive reasons known but regularity is one key to diagnosis. And yes some CHs are far less frequent and some are back to back for years on end. Your second post is more telling of clusters. Perhaps they may get worse over time or disappear. He's not so different. MJ
  5. MJ

    D3 Survey

    I am a chronic episodic. I decided to try the D3 regimen as a preventive out of cycle. after just 3 days i started having ice pick type hits and regular headaches. at 5 days I experienced a single short cluster and promptly gave up that idea. no headaches after stopping. Never tested for Vita D deficiencies but suspect I get adequate D through sun and sustenance.
  6. "The very fact that lawmakers even have the gall to write, sponsor, introduce, or even hint at supporting such a bill, without fear of losing their elected position or becoming victims of whatever other means the public may have to exact retribution for their treasonous behavior should send a message to every citizen who pays even minor attention to current events. " It is scary what some overly righteous folks think needs doing. I wonder where they come up with feeling the need to mandate us. Its hard to understand, do these people really speak for their constituents, its not like needing new roads or bridges, or even basic health care for those that cant afford it. I would'nt worry too much about it though. When you think of the incredible abilities of our house and senate having passed 124 laws last year where the majority, something like 40%, of those passed were re naming post office branches. At a cost of only a few hundred million And to think we pay them such measly salaries and pensions. maybe this isnt research and scientific news commentary on my part. Its just stupid.
  7. MJ

    A while ago

    yeah suuure he is. hangs out with the tin man. has luminosity written all over you. Hope the cure holds Blake Johnston
  8. If I remember correct the majority of serotonin is created in the gut and for some this may be beneficial. Serotonin being the big player in our affliction. Like all things it can be neutralized or magnified with citric acids[ie; lemonade] which are good for some and a killer for others. Serotonin can be blocked with CBs in the brain and/or the production or travel of serotonin in the gut could maybe be slowed with the use of calcium carbonate an antacid.
  9. I would consider myself negligent in not mentioning the use of CB methods to my doctors. After all if they were to prescribe another drug that may have dangerous consequences mixing with physcedelics, would you feel better or worse in the hospital knowing you and a doc could have avoided problems via simple discussion. I would think it rare that an educated doc would diss us over finding relief. It may not be something they could openly prescribe, but with proper presentation I think a good many docs would show great interest and even learn further. In actuality I suspect far more medical persons are aware of our methods than most would think, thanks to the educational efforts put forth from here . And what better place to start than the cluster busters sites for honest unbiased information and testimonials.
  10. MJ

    Back again

    One of the most important things learned early on for me was not to vary my physical wake time. Never early, never late. OK to go back to bed but I must keep the wake cycle as routine as possible.
  11. MJ

    Back again

    One of the most important things learned early on for me was not to vary my physical wake time. Never early, never late. OK to go back to bed but I must keep the wake cycle as routine as possible.
  12. Bob from one clusterhead to another. THANKYOU for all that you do. MJ
  13. "The fear is gone. It's all about living," she said. "The big stuff? Sheeesh — it's handled." A good read from the LA times. http://www.latimes.com/health/la-he-drugs-of-abuse-20111130,0,969113.story
  14. It may be another way of treating the symptoms vs the root cause. Allways good to see new potential options and defensive tools. I am all about busting, though every bit of information and methodology helps in understanding and assaulting our enemy wich is CH. Know your friends. Know your enemies better.
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