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Everything posted by alleyoop

  1. Not the ones we advocate. Read, read, read. Then ask questions. bobb
  2. Got second place Bobb. Lost £50 though....Great golf by oost though. I agree CArl!!! Although it was the first British Open run-away that I can remember watching, it was really amazing to watch Louis surgically attack that grand Old Course! He really showed how well he can 'work the wind.'
  3. Wow! No doubt, but that you guys had a blast!! Thanks for the pics and getting them up so quick!! Great looking group!!! I hear you about the mid summer dates -- what's wrong with early spring? Rain? -- at least in the south; it's just too friggin hot & humid. Not trying to hijack your thread, but we're looking at October as a possible date for a Southeast Meet & Greet in Georgia. As soon as we can iron out the details, we'll post it on a new thread. bobb
  4. Just in to day 3... Paul Casey looks great!
  5. tingeling, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are wise beyond your years! Even though your native language is not English, you have a way of expressing yourself that would make any intellectual take notice. Your insights are truly inspiring!! Thanks for being here and sharing.Â
  6. What a brutal day today was!!!
  7. CArl, That may have well been your intended question (and I knew it was immediately since you have posted about this more than one year), but if you go back and reread the question you posed in the subject line it reads verbatim, "Who's gonna win the Open" Knowing how passionate you blokes are about golf in general, and British golf in particular -- I would venture it is more a way of life over there, whilie being simply a sport in the US -- sorry, but I just couldn't resist the jab. As far as picks go, I'm with Leslie -- I would love to see Daly win. I like the old boy's style, not to mention his driver -- the one in his bag Leslie, not the one in his pants! sheesh! ;D bobb
  8. Graeme McDowell won the Open. bobb 8-)
  9. alleyoop


    I say hit it with your best shot. When is your flight? Flying has never triggered me, but I know it does some. On the other hand, you have waited for quite a while now to get to this point. So I wouldn't want to see you rush the process if you can help it. But this is not a perfect world, nor is busting a perfect science...yet. If Friday night is your best shot at it, then I for one, say take it. All the best with it, bobb
  10. Of course 25 lpm is better than 15 lpm, but unless you are late getting to the o2, I believe that 15 lpm is sufficient as long as you have a large enough holding bag. The ones that are provided with most masks are woefully insufficient. I use a gallon freezer bag attached with rubber bands and rarely have to go over 11 lpm. bobb
  11. Birdman is right. 15 lpm is usually sufficient to abort CH, although of course 25 lpm is better. What will make the difference between the two is the holding bag that you use. The small bag that comes with most masks does not hold nearly enough oxygen. I use a one gallon freezer bag (attached with rubber bands) and usually have my regulator set at 11 lpm, even though it goes to 15 lpm. It's only when I can't get to the o2 fast enough that I have to go over 11 lpm. bobb
  12. I agree Bejeeber. I myself, have never been successful at tapering off of the verapamil, and I have tried multiple times. But I still have had some success (enough to still be here advocating after over 5 years) with busting. In my mind, it is the best treatment out there to date. bobb
  13. From the LSA FAQ: Why take these steps? Is it worth the added pain from stopping all medications for 5 days prior to starting this treatment? This may be best answered by your responses to the following questions. Is the thought of this 5 day period worth it to end the continuing cluster cycle and all the preventives and abortive medications you are presently taking every day? What toll, monetarily, mentally and physically, are you paying each day the current cycle continues? Is this 5 day period worth taking if it will stop your cycle? If you have only a couple weeks expected before your cycle would normally end, you may want to wait and consider this technique as a preventive against your next cycle and not as an abortive for the current cycle. Do your cycles seem to last longer since you've added some prescription meds? Is the frequency increased even though you may be able to treat some attacks with an abortive? Other factors to consider: Yes, some people report increased pain and frequency of their clusters during this detox period. Many other people report a decrease in cluster activity a day or two after stopping their medications. Be sure to taper off any medications that need to be tapered and not suddenly stopped. It is best to discuss this with your doctor. Any time you alter your medication plan, you should discuss it with your doctor. This detox period may not end up being as bad as you may fear. One of the most effective abortives for clusters is pure Oxygen. This is also one abortive you can continue to use without adversely effecting this treatment. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/yabbfiles/Attachments/FAQ_LSA.htm bobb
  14. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123582465/abstract bobb
  15. ABSTRACT Sleep and trigeminal pain processing share several common pathways with respect to neurotransmission and functions of distinct brain areas. In this review, the role of the most important brain stem and midbrain regions for this link is discussed. The central structure involved in both headache and sleep is the hypothalamus in which the orexinergic neurons originate. These neurons project to the periaqueductal grey and are probably the anatomic and physiological link between headache and sleep. Another relevant system for this interrelationship is the melatonin metabolism. However, basic research in this field is still very preliminary and a holistic hypothesis on how sleep physiology impacts headache and vice versa is still missing. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123582457/abstract shocked bobb
  16. Introduction.—Cluster headaches (CH) are primary headaches marked by repeated short-lasting attacks of severe, unilateral head pain and associated autonomic symptoms. Despite aggressive management with medications, oxygen therapy, nerve blocks, as well as various lesioning and neurostimulation therapies, a number of patients are incapacitated and suffering. The sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of CH and has been a target for blocks, lesioning, and other surgical approaches. For this reason, it was selected as a target for an acute neurostimulation study. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123364972/abstract bobb
  17. My one and only experience at the ER with CH: I was rear-ended in my truck a couple of years ago. My head popped the rear glass out from the force of the collision. I felt ok, so I refused the hospital. Later that evening I got hit pretty hard, and again the next day. I called my neurologist's office, and they told me to go to the ER to get a CT scan to make sure I wasn't hemorrhaging. I went that evening. Of course the waiting room was packed, so when I signed in, I told them of my CH and explained that if I had an attack would they please get me high flow oxygen with a non-rebreather mask. She gave me one of those not so assuring looks and said, "Sure." Not quite an hour later, I started feeling one coming on and went and asked for high flow oxygen with a non-rebreather mask. Ten agonizing minutes later, someone wheeled out an E tank with a regulator that went to 8 lpm and a cannula. By this time the pain and panic were starting to set in and I told them that this set-up would not help, explaining again what I needed with tears streaming down my face. :'( The pain was obvious to anyone, so they immediately took me back to one of the ER rooms, and instructed me to get undressed and to lie down till the doctor got there. I told them that they did not understand, and threatened to just leave. They sent their very young doctor in who began telling me the same thing -- to get undressed and lie down and he would start an IV with a pain killer. I headed out of there and told them, "Thank you very much, but you just don't understand. I'll take my chances driving home." I headed for what I thought was the way out, only to find myself going deeper into the hospital. Finally someone showed up and told me they would show me the way, but took me back to the same ER room. The same doctor was there, but this time they gave me a non-rebreather mask that had a good flow of o2. About 15 minutes later I was good to go. They went ahead and did the CT scan which thankfully was negative. In the meantime I gave this young doctor a crash course on CH. He said that he had thought cluster headache was more along the lines of tension or sinus headache. He said that he had dealt with migraine and thought that was possibly what I had, except that he had never seen a migraineur so agitated. > I gave him a couple of links to peruse when he had time, and left. Needless to say, I never have and never will go to the ER for my clusters. bobbÂ
  18. You never know. She might make it. When they yanked my gall bladder, I was up and walking that night, pretty close to normal (whatever that is) in 2 days. Thoughts and prayers going out to you BarbaraD. Thanks for the heads-up DD. bobb
  19. Very well put Darrin. Thanks for sharing. bobb
  20. So true David. Great post man! bobb
  21. Just got through watching the Phil Harris show. Now that was a man! bobb
  22. alleyoop


    Ditto! ... uh, except these are coming from the South.
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