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Jteira last won the day on February 26 2022

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  1. @Juss, just curious... what are the health benefits of cocaine? I am not aware of it having any health benefits, just a numbing effect that was used in early dentistry. Ketamine, on the other hand, is a pretty strong anti-inflammatory. Also, doesn't the higher correlation of cannabis use with schizophrenia apply to teenagers and young adults?
  2. I hope this is still firm! Just bought non refundable tickets! @trjonas
  3. @trjonas, it is true though. Micro dosing is such a powerful pop culture movement. Everyone wants to hitch their wagon to it.
  4. Hi guys, I wanted to share this article I wrote on microdosing with the community. https://www.eleusiniaretreat.com/microdosing-for-pain/
  5. @trjonas, - I take a pretty large dose of zofran each time a half hour before taking mm. -I have never had a rebound headache after mm. My regular headache returned immediately after my first couple of sessions, but I have never had what could be described as a rebound or slapback. I do know a few people who get migrainous headaches after dosing.
  6. @trjonas, yes, I have what my neuro has described as a weird HC, because I have all the classic symptoms, but little to no response to indo. A few people have contacted me on FB recently regarding HC and busting. Are you one of them? My first name is Jessica. I am pretty much pain free with psilocybin. It took several heavy doses (5G) once a week to get the headache broken and pain free, and weekly doses of 1 gram keep me here. The pain free time only occurs at about a week at a time.
  7. @trjonas, busting does work for my hemicrania continua. It seems to require a rather aggressive dosing schedule, like many chronic CH suffers. I had minimal to no response to indomethacin. But I am resistant to NSAIDS. I can’t comment on the boswellia, because I was already mostly pain free by the time I heard about it.
  8. Dr. Schindler at Yale is looking for people with post concussive headaches to participate in a clinical trial, FYI
  9. I hope everyone is noticing that we are discussing two different companies- MindMed and MindMend. Looks like MindMend is just trying to be the next wave of dispensaries, not research.
  10. @MRUPE, I can help you out with not failing. If you follow this series, it is pretty much error proof. @banano can attest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGw3oSLhL0k @Chris Moore, you can solve the problem of unpredictability by growing your own batch and grinding a large batch into a powder. This makes everything uniform and predictable. You then make capsules like the video below:
  11. https://www.statnews.com/2020/01/07/transforming-psychedelics-into-mainstream-medicines/
  12. I think they are talking about the kind of inflammation that leads to heart disease or neurological diseases, not musculoskeletal pain.
  13. I have had several conversations with clusterheads and with my neuro (Dr. Burish) about the parallels between the pain often referred to as “shadows” and the HC experience. I am resistant to NSAIDS and most pain meds. Indomethacin never really helped me, leaving HC out formally as a diagnosis. But as Dr. Burish told me “these titles are just arbitrarily decided by some guys in a room”, so whether you want to call it hemicrania continua or NDPH that is presenting identical to hemicrania continua, it is what it is. I don’t respond to indomethacin, I probably don’t even process it because it doesn’t even upset my stomach at the ridiculously high HC doses. I didn’t approach busting the way that seems to be normal for a lot of the episodic CH people. I started at a very high dose, and that day was the first pain free time I had (not sleeping) in a year. Sure, I was off my rocker that whole day, and the headache came right back after, but the headache did start to fade and break up after the third dose about 20 days later. The D3 regimen was suggested to me. Buy honestly, I’m pretty comfortable now so I haven’t been motivated to really remember to take pills at that frequency. Maybe I’m holding back on that one until the other shoe drops. I think you could probably generalize us in the same category as a the CCH busting experience. Little doses don’t work, and nothing ever works for long and therefore requires frequent dosing. We are just 100% shadows, and they get the serious attacks that we don’t. I actually never had what I could describe as an “attack”. It was always constant, and if it increased or decreased in intensity, it was a slow incremental march throughout the day.
  14. I can relate to that hopeless feeling about the future, and I know what it’s like to feel like the rest of your life is just a juicy delicious looking meal that has now been poisoned and can no longer be enjoyed. I don’t have kids to worry about disappointing, but I did feel at some points that my close family and friends didn’t know that I was already dead, but just pretending until formal arrangements could be made. Busting changed all of this for me. And by busting, I don’t mean “I tried a couple 1.5 gram doses” to see how I felt. This is a lifestyle for me now, just like monitoring blood sugar and keeping insulin around is a lifestyle for diabetics. I plan and schedule around it, and it keeps me happy, healthy, and functioning. I have hemicrania continua, FYI. I think the healthy way to approach busting is to approach it as a tool you need to practice to learn to use properly. There is a clinical study in progress right now on the efficacy of psilocybin on cluster headache, so your concerns about it exacerbating it in the long run are probably unfounded. But if you are waiting for multiple peer reviewed studies that answer your exact questions, then you will probably be waiting a long time. Probably longer than any of us will be around, and I personally preferred to “carpe diem”. Because science will trudge on at its own pace, but we only get one chance at this life. All research I have found related to the physical effects of psilocybin use are positive. It has a very powerful anti inflammatory effect through its action on serotonin receptors. Is it an easy medication to manage? No. One Saturday out of the month, I spend a day relaxing at home, crazy as a loon. I stare at swirly colors on my VR screen and meditate and listen to music. Things get weird. Then it all goes back to normal and I go back to my life. But I can’t minimize the fact that these feelings can be panic inducing if someone is unprepared or in a stressful setting. Sometimes it’s really irritating to have to plan out “not being able to think or be rational” for a whole afternoon and it makes scheduling tough. But the headache always creeps back if I neglect to keep up with my dosing schedule. I don’t want to give you false hope by just saying “Try busting, it’s a miracle “. Because busting comes with it’s own difficulties and challenges, and it’s not an easy route either. But it did end up making my life worth keeping.
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