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"The Beast"


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i apologize for my absence, and my aggravation that was displayed recently. i have returned to present a writing of mine, which all of you can relate to im sure.


i awake from sleep, and put on my fatigues

i brew my beans, and prepare for battle against the beast

an almighty creature who has never experienced defeat

he stands tall as trees, my height does not exceed his knees

his teeth. . . razor sharp, his claws . . . the same

the pain he inflicts, cannot be explained

he feeds on tears and other's ignorance

steals smiles without leaving a fingerprint

he cannot be stopped, only put to sleep

with the bluest fruit, or the purest air i can breathe

the bell rings, whether im ready or not

he stomps his feet, and my body drops

he attacks with a force that explodes like c4

strong enough to make a river flow backwards, when he reaches the shore

he brings heat, as hot as the sun

and will break your legs if you try to run

he kills his victim's spirits, but leaves no bruise or blood

once he takes everything, its not enough, because to him, this is fun

his methods are demonic, how he makes one eye cry

and those that know him, will surely testify

its just a "daily" nightmare, with no safe place to hide

he is always with you, in your brain is where he resides

when the beast awakens, it's you he wants to slay

u may survive the battle, but the war continues the following day


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Hi AO,

Nice to see you're back. Scary, exceptionally sad poem. Very well written. Obviously not your first. A talent I wasn't aware of. It's going to be tough getting rid of those frightening images, even if I decide that I want to.

The new avatar is totally cool!


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Thank you for being here Agent. 

i am always there, even if you do not see me

Nice to see you're back. Scary, exceptionally sad poem. Very well written. Obviously not your first. A talent I wasn't aware of. It's going to be tough getting rid of those frightening images, even if I decide that I want to.

The new avatar is totally cool! 

thank you for the compliments, as far as the avatar, its fan art from the tv show "southpark" and i need to mirror the image so it coincides with my right eye  ;)


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