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How do define a happy life? How to define a meaningful life? Is both one of the same? Are there certain criteria to go after, or are we to decide and define our own happiness and meaning in life?

I wasn`t very happy before, i kept working to get happy. Everyday i said to myself "tomorrow will get better". After several years of slapping my face with this, i started to wait for next week, next month and even next year! Every day, week or month the headaches wasn't gone, i actually got very disappointed, and in the end very angry and frustrated. I really did my best to keep things as i wanted them to be, how it was before i got CH. After many years i realized this was like warfare against myself. I had to start a happy, meaningful life out from my current condition. Then i discovered something, i didn't know who i was, i didn't know what interests i had, i didn't have a clue where to put my feet's. Cause i didn't remember how it was to wake up without pain. So i found out i just had to start trying different activities. And i did, and that`s a different story to tell another time.

Maybe i got CH instead of a person who maybe couldn't`t find this road. Could it be i needed CH so i could learn how to appreciate life? Maybe there`s no meaning at all. Or maybe i can decide what or why. I choose the last one. How to live and what to fill my life with is my choice, everyday. Cause i`m in control over my own mind, i choose, i decide. Some days i choose to feel sadness cause i need that sometimes, i allow myself. I allow myself to feel my feelings the way they are. I think i accepted my condition and it doesn't feel as throwing in the towel and give up. It feels like victory. It is to me. I love the cold air outside today.

Sweet dreams to all



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Isn't it a great new beginning we have! 

For anyone that hasn't read it "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is a stellar personal growth book.  The decision to make your own direction is habit #1. 

From a writeup on the book:

"Habit 1 discusses the importance of being proactive. Covey states that we are responsible for our own lives; therefore, we possess the initiative to make things happen. He also points out that proactive people so not blame various circumstances for their behaviors but they realize behavior comes from one's conscious. Covey also explains that the other type of person is reactive. Reactive people are affected by their social as well as physical surroundings. This means that if the weather is bad, then it affects their behavior such as their attitude and performance."

Basically to be proactive is to decide how you want to feel and not allow moods to be reactive.  Having a proactive mindset puts life in perspective, and allows one to focus on what's improtant instead of always reacting!

Glad you're well Ting!!! :)  I enjoy reading your posts.


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I've been looking for the answer to those questions for 50+ years.

The only answer I can come up with that makes sense to me is this: We are here to love and care for each other - because it would suck being here alone.

I try to let my life's decisions be guided by this principle.

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We sacrifice our health in order to make money.  Then we sacrifice money to recuperate our health.  Then we are so anxious about the future that we do not enjoy the present; the result being that we do not live in the present or future; we live as if we are never going to die, and then die having never really lived.

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CH did make me a much stronger person and I much more enjoy live as before, for sure in PF periods  ;)

Also busting CH give me hope for the future. This board does make me feel not alone as there are people here that feels like family.

Greets Oscar

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