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Sasha Shulgin


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Hands down, the best nugget of information that I was able to take from the documentary...Sasha Shulgin started off working for DOW chemical corporation.  He was so good at making snail poison that they gave him free reign to do whatever he wanted--so he came up with a myriad of psychedelic substances.  If there ever was a way to reinforce my belief that humanity is on a crash course for amazing things this was it.  Regardless of the greedy, evil, polluting agenda's of corporations like DOW chemical company, the universe obviously obviously has it's own agenda.  Anyone who has enjoyed any of Sasha Shulgin's discoveries, insights or mind bending drugs should thank Dow chemical corporation for trying to kill snails a little bit better. :)


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  • 4 months later...

Sasha and his wife have certaibnly done wonderful work that has changed the lives of many, for the better.

I am attending a fundraising event in May for him.

It takes all kinds of people with diverse ideas and opinions to improve the world and move forward. Shulgin is certainly one of those that moved the world forward.

Thanks for posting,


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