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I found this news article today about, well, not really sure what it is about. It starts out promising tips on treating headaches, but not really sure it accomplishes that. What I did find interesting was the casual mention of Cluster Headaches. Just really like how they are making the news more. Increasing awareness is always a good thing.



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coenzyme Q10...

from Wikipedia:

Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 has been found to have a beneficial effect on the condition of some sufferers of migraine headaches. So far, three studies have been done, of which two were small, did not have a placebo group, were not randomized, and were open-label,[47] and one was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, which found statistically significant results despite its small sample size of 42 patients.[48] Dosages were 150 to 300 mg/day.

It has been used effectively in the prophylaxis of migraines, especially in combination with a daily supplement of magnesium citrate 500 mg and riboflavin (vitamin B2) 400 mg.[49]

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Then there is this article:


I haven't read the complete report, but from the abstract, it sounds like this nasel solution worked on one person, and then they draw this conclusion, 'Intranasal lidocaine is a useful treatment for the acute management of a cluster headache.'

We all know that what works for one person won't always work for another. Anyway, thought it interesting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

nasal lidicaine has helped the hubby

long term treatment s only thing??  no   just another tool in the tool box

makes it numb long enough to get imitrex out

look up  abc boston channel and then type in cluster headaches in search

they got it right!

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for zee link Renee.

I don't mean this as nit picking of the article, the mention of 80% of CH'ers being male just reminded me that this is a widely accepted statistic that I believe is very likely a load of baloney.

WE KNOW DOCTORS ROUTINELY REFUSE TO DIAGNOSE FEMALES WITH CH, so why would we buy into this self fulfilling 80% statistic as they do?

I fear there are plenty of females out there with CH unable to get a diagnosis, not knowing what they have, because of this.

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Having been one of the 'missed' females for years, I agree that most of us have a VERY hard time getting a diagnosis for CH.

My experience in this area bears out what Jeebs said. Several dr's looked at me as 'Hysterical'!!! >:(

Having said that, I will have to read these articles later. Thanks for putting them up for us. :)

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Totally agree.

I actually think that because so little is known about CH, and so few people have properly studied it, that half criteria for determining if someone has CH is inaccurate, or at the very least, an over generalisation.  Just from what I've read of how people describe their clusters, so many of them fall outside what the doctors define as a cluster it's laughable.

My clusters are clearly clusters, but they are quite different from what many of you experience. I just think it is too early in the lifecycle of fully understanding the condition to put too many restrictions on what it is.


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