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Desperate after 6 month cycle with 4-6 attacks per day

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Hello everybody!
I am dealing with the beast around 10 years now,form 18-28

i have tried triptans,lithium and in general all types of medication.
I have also tried D3 regime,
also mushrooms,lsa,benadryl
actually everything i could do and everything that i have read!

My cycle is crazy,it comes and goes or comes and stays for months,or small shadows for some days when i am not in one of the huge cycles.
Usually dealing with the beast with oxygen.

as a result i can't work and live stress free
and i am in medication for depression.

I am afraid to take mushrooms again as i take pills for the depression.

The other thing that works is immigran injection that stops the pain instantly but the next day it will come again.

I am wondering is there any way that i haven't tried to stop the cycle?

Should i go for emgality?

Thank you all for your help and valuable informations that you will provide!

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Here is an important tip about your Imigram injections. You can use much less and still stop your attacks. https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/2446-extending-imitrex/  For shadows, many people find that ginger helps. You can take it in capsules, or brew tea, or eat ginger candy or drink (non-alcoholic) ginger beer.

Given what you have said, I can't see why you wouldn't try Emgality.

However, we have a lot of experience here that when people say they have "tried" things, very often they have not tried them in the most effective way.  Often, for example, they are prescribed wrong. With verapamil, for example (which you don't list but which I assume you must have tried), an effective dose might have to be 960mg or higher, and very few doctors prescribe at that level. From what I have seen, lithium and verapamil can be effective (with side effects) when they are prescribed at the right levels.

The same rule is true for non-prescription items. People often say here that they have tried psychedelics, but they haven't done that according to the most reliable protocol -- every five days, at a high enough dose, with no "blockers" such as triptans.  I'm not saying that you didn't do busting correctly or you didn't do the full vitamin D3 regimen correctly -- I have no way of knowing.  But because those things are very helpful for most people, I am just suggesting that you be sure you did them right.

Since you say you have tried "everything," I'm not going to start suggesting things just because they are not on your list.  I think ketamine is more commonly used these days than it used to be, so maybe that's new enough to mention, and some people report getting relief from nerve blocks.  There probably are other "newer" things that I haven't thought of.

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That's what i am trying to figure out,
what i have done wrong,and if there is any effective way to stop this cycle of 6-7 months now.

I have tried also verapamil some years back but did not have any result,but i don't remeber the dose.

About shrooms,did not try them,as i take medicines for depressions and i am not sure if i can mix them without any side effect.

D3 was taken in every detail,after some time i stopped it, for some months i was ok but when i had to work more than usual in December for 1 month,from January it came back.

should i start D3 regime while i am in this cycle?

or mushrooms althought i take pills for depression?

I am not sure what to do to stop it!

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1 hour ago, stellaGreece said:

About shrooms,did not try them,as i take medicines for depressions and i am not sure if i can mix them without any side effect.

There's been an occasional report, such as the one linked to here, from someone who has busted while on an antidepressant without adverse effects, so just based on the anecdotes, I've become more of the mind that it might generally be OK, but I don't recall having seen a consensus on this.




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I'm sorry that I can't answer your basic question about whether you can use psilocybin while on antidepressants.  For the purpose here, there are two questions: (1) the one you asked, which is whether there will be side effects from taking both; and (2) whether taking antidepressants will interfere with the effectiveness of the mushrooms for treating your CH.  I think the answer to (1) is no, but I am not certain.  Here's one seemingly serious report that says that: https://psychable.com/mind-and-body/should-you-take-psychedelics-if-youre-on-anti-depressants  But #(2) is just as important, and I do not know the answer to that. The old guidelines here only say weakly that one type of antidepressant, SSRIs, "may" interfere https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/687-6-playing-well-together/

BUT if you decided that you were not likely to have side effects, then you could try the shrooms (or LSD, or seeds) and see what happens. 

Because there are so many different kinds of antidepressants, it might be worthwhile for you to say the name of what you are taking, in case someone has specific experience with that medication and busting, or maybe with the category of medication and busting.

I thought when you wrote in your first post "I have also tried D3 regime,
also mushrooms,lsa,benadryl," you were saying that you had already tried mushrooms and seeds (the source of LSA) and they didn't work.

4 hours ago, stellaGreece said:

should i start D3 regime while i am in this cycle?

or mushrooms although i take pills for depression?

This is not an "or" question. If you decide to try mushrooms, you can do both the D3 regimen and mushrooms.  Lots of people do both.  And yes, you should start the full D3 regimen as soon as possible. I think @BoscoPiko has a link to the latest information about that.  

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That one report you linked to certainly does have an encouraging take, @CHfather. This part jumped out at me:

"Serotonergic psychedelics such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and DMT (without MAOIs) should all be safe to use while on antidepressants, although the antidepressant may dull some subjective effects. This effect appears somewhat inconsistent, particularly with psilocybin, raising questions about the necessity of tapering antidepressants prior to use. According to an interview with Dr. Ben Malcolm, clinical psychiatric pharmacist, the risks and complications of tapering off an antidepressant for some people may be more severe than taking the risks of a reduced psychedelic experience by combining psilocybin with antidepressants."

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I am on Prozac and have been using shrooms without going off it, my neuro has also not said to even try dropping my antidepressants, I have actually upped the dose of them because of being chronic. So unless there is anything specific to the type of antidepressant you are on, it may reduce the effectiveness some but not negate it. I am not a professional or anything, simply my experience with mush, lsd and other busting while still on antidepressants.

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+1 on I am on fluoxetine(Prozac) and mushrooms worked like they should.

i only did the combi while out of a cluster , for maintenance.

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Hello,and thank you all for your answers!

In monday i visited my neurologist,he suggested to try Vydura.

I took the first pill on Teusday afternoon!and as a miracle headached gone,just a small pain or shadow from time to time.
Wednesday  - Thursday - Friday i woke up and waited for pain to come- once the pain came i took one Vydura per day and like magic it was gone all the time and the whole day!

The pill is expensive , around 30 usd

But after 7 months of everyday pain 4 times+ per day and around 10 years dealing with the beast it s the first time that i am excited!
Still want to see how it will work in the long term and if it can keep it sleeping, but after immigran that lasted for 3-4 hours this damn thing keeps me pain free for the whole day!

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