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weather prediction

david w

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Hello  , my name is dave . New member here.

The nature of my post may sound funny to some of you but it seems that headaches give me the ability to predict storms and the strength of the storms. I have had headaches for as long as i can remeber . I'm 30 years old now and since i was about 20 i've been getting cluster headaches  on and off. Mainly the strength of the headache gives me a good indication of the stroms comming in. Normally i have myself like a 3-5 day warning before a really bad storm rolls in. So i never REALLY watch the weather channel anymore cuz of the accuracy in headaches.( well ill know that my radar is right anyways ) Im an alabama man and whenever there is a supercell in any direction from alabama to arkansa - to new york - i pick up on it. A supercell makes for me , the most very painfull headaches- im talking squeeze the tear ducts from my eyes dry theyre so strong. Tropical storms near mexico or florida especially cause for me cluster headaches.lasting headaches. unbelievably painful headaches on the left side of my head .For instance the alabama tornados of 2011 - that one storm made me feel like my head would explode for like a week before it officially arrived .

Is this common to experiance this?

Is there anyone else that can say that they know first hand what i am talking about?

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You Guys are AMAZING!

I've worked in meteorology (operational aviation forecasting) for 25 yrs and am also a CH sufferer.  No doubt a sudden drop in barometric pressure or increase in temperature can trigger headaches.  Happens to me every time a front passes, I take a trip in the mountains, airplane ride or the heat wave hits.  We don't get thunderstorms, tropical storms or even strong convection in No California, but I still get the effects.

Incredible that you have 3-5 day warnings of such weather activity.  Even the computer models can't predict it that well.  The misery must be unending this time of year with all the storms.  I'll never look at a supercell again without thinking of you guys.

I've read several studies about connecting headaches with weather activity and it is scientifically proven.  They have never been able to explain the link, or what mechanism lies behind it.  Your senses are really tuned-in well. 

To answer your question, yes, I think its pretty common.  Most people are not quite as sensitive as you are, but the end result is still the same ...... PAIN  :-[

High pressure wishes for you and PF days......


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Weather sensitive as well. Unfortunately for me, I live smack dab in the middle of the great lakes, where storm fronts and lake effect like to combine for exciting new weather patterns daily.

Ive been recently diagnosed with an AVM. I dont know if that means anything or not, but if you havent had an MRI, ask your doc about it, stat.

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You Guys are AMAZING!

I've worked in meteorology (operational aviation forecasting) for 25 yrs and am also a CH sufferer.  No doubt a sudden drop in barometric pressure or increase in temperature can trigger headaches.  Happens to me every time a front passes, I take a trip in the mountains, airplane ride or the heat wave hits.  We don't get thunderstorms, tropical storms or even strong convection in No California, but I still get the effects.

Incredible that you have 3-5 day warnings of such weather activity.  Even the computer models can't predict it that well.  The misery must be unending this time of year with all the storms.  I'll never look at a supercell again without thinking of you guys.

I've read several studies about connecting headaches with weather activity and it is scientifically proven.  They have never been able to explain the link, or what mechanism lies behind it.  Your senses are really tuned-in well. 

To answer your question, yes, I think its pretty common.  Most people are not quite as sensitive as you are, but the end result is still the same ...... PAIN  :-[

High pressure wishes for you and PF days......


hey weatherman  , thanks for your 2 cents  :)

i hoping to someday be a guest on stan lee's superhuman show (kidding )

thanks for the imput though , anyone in meteorology has my respect

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Weather sensitive as well. Unfortunately for me, I live smack dab in the middle of the great lakes, where storm fronts and lake effect like to combine for exciting new weather patterns daily.

Ive been recently diagnosed with an AVM. I dont know if that means anything or not, but if you havent had an MRI, ask your doc about it, stat.

hey whooligun thanks for stopping by.

i cant imagine if your condition is anything worse than mine how you must feel like living out there in the great lakes territory.

must be the fishing right ? ;)

have a blessed day sir

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Yepper yepper. :)Any drop in barometric pressure sets the dragon in motion. From weather fronts to higher altitudes.

When I got married in 05, my kids told their new 'Dad' to watch out for my sneezes!!! He and his father laughed it off. But, in the past 7 years they have both learned that if I sneeze 4 times evenly spaced it will rain within 24 hours of where I am sneezing! Too funny sometimes, but now I get blamed for the rain! Hey, I'm just the 'weather girl', I just warned you guys!!! ;D My father-in-law will not go far from the house with his tractor when I sneeze now. :D

The worst was two-three winters ago when I sneezed 4 groups of 4. We received 16 inches of SNOW. The previous record was 2 x 4 and 8 inches of snow! ::) Both times the weather called for flurries to one inch on the ground. Now, I just make a grocery run and keep my sneezes to myself so that I don't get blamed. 8-)

Lots of people with CH are very good weathermen and women, no matter what the news is calling for. I just got lucky with the allergies adding to the mix.

BTW: Check out last year with members or your Neuro. CH and Migraines were wildly increased with the weird weather.

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It's not the hits for me that tell the weather, it's my shunt. Though I'm more likely to get hit pretty bad during a storm.

I've heard tho ANY kind of implanted device, you can feel it when it's going to rain. Sometimes I'll get the pain a few days ahead of time.

I don't think it's crazy at all that our body can be sensitive to things going on outside of it.

With my shunt it makes my spine hurt, and my legs. I understand my body thinks it's telling me to get the feck away from the storm, but I can't do that if it fecks my legs up.

From before I was 2, I wanted to grow up to be a meteorologist. (No joke, one of my favorite things was watching the weather channel.) now I can damn sure tell when bad weather is coming! Well FECK. XD

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meteorology sure is cool to me too

theres nothing like an old injury flaring up that lets you know when it will probably rain , i think everyone that has arthritis wont take no for an asnwer on that one

btw thanks for your story

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june gloom is alway a very bad time for me. always know we are starting summer here in so cal. when the pain and frequency kicks up

this last odd pattern we had had me jumpin to my O2 every two hours day before it started and day after it ended.

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