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Sumatriptan injections in different quantities


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Hai, IÂ’m Emil, 44 years old and from the Netherlandsand new on this forum.  I have searched in this forum but not found an answer yet to my question.

I am using Sumatriptan injections and I donÂ’t need the whole injection, just half of the medicine will do. So what I do is I take the injection apart and make 2 out of 1. This is done by many CH-patients.  I contacted the pharmaceutics Sun and GlaxoSmithKline to ask them if it would be possible to get our medicine in different kind of quantaties. Their answer was: Yes, technicly itÂ’s possible but it will cost too much money so will we not do it. They also say that itÂ’s not prooven by medical study that half the medicine will do.

Has there been a topic about this already?

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Welcome, Emil, and thank you for taking the time to share this.  Yes, there have been quite a few threads on this topic over the years, but it's still good to have a reminder.  At the conference, there was a discussion in which people described several different ways of reducing the amount per injection.  As I remember it, for example, someone mentioned getting it in vials and not in a preloaded syringe, so they could just measure out their own doses each time (using their own syringes).  I think a lot of people feel they can get by with three doses per preloaded 6mg syringe (using 2 mg each time).  Here's one file about that from our "ClusterBuster Files" area: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1361807077

Pain-free wishes to you, and thank you for your thoughtfulness in posting this.

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Hi CHFather, thx for the welcome. I'm still amazed to see that Sun and Glaxo are only making the medicine in 6mg/0.5ml. Beside that I called them I also wrote 4 letters to our 4 biggest health-insurance-companies asking them about their opinion and if they can help us. I did this a few days ago and I'm waiting for their answer. I think it's ridiculous that we have to take the injections apart ourselves.

Another thing, I started the clusterbustermethod a month ago and eversince then I'm pain and attack free, this after 12 years of Ch, the last 3 years it was chronic.

Wish you all a painfree weekend from the low-lands :-)

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B.t.w. thanks to this wonderful site, people and the organisation.

It took me a while to start with the mushrooms but after visiting this site I was convinced. The information on this site was splendid and helped me a lot. In the Netherlands we are also united with a group of people who suffer from CH. I'm telling them there about my experiences and a few of them are very interested and will now follow my (your) footsteps.

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I see... so you are talking fixed dosage.

I have seen sumatriptan fixed in 6mg and 4mg doses.   

Here is a partial list I found on what is out there.

ALSUMA Auto-Injector 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Imitrex 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Imitrex Statdose Cartridge 4mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Imitrex Statdose Cartridge 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Imitrex Statdose System 4mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Imitrex Statdose System 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Sumatriptan Succinate 4mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Sumatriptan Succinate 4mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection (Kit), Sumatriptan Succinate 4mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection (Refill), Sumatriptan Succinate 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection, Sumatriptan Succinate 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection (Kit), Sumatriptan Succinate 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection (Refill), Sumavel DosePro Needleless-System 6mg/0.5ml Solution for Injection

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I use the vials.  I split that into FOUR shots!  That's right, I found that all I needed was 15 units (there are 6 units, per vial) to abort a hit.

I have also taken the new needle-less injectors, and the old standby, auto injectors, and shot them into an empty vial, and then take the shots as I normally would.

In my mind, if available, the vials are the way to go.

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all I needed was 15 units

It's probably plenty clear enough that you intended for that to read "1.5 units" but hey I'm not above persnickety nit picking over decimal places.  :D

I know another chronic feller who has consistently aborted hits for years with the 1.5 mg dose, four aborts per shot, just like you, ClusterChuck.

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