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Not to be missed East Coast


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This conference was nothing short of amazing.  I managed to attend every talk that was presented.  I met Dennis Mckenna and got him to sign my book and we talked clusterbusters a little bit.  Gotta thank Bob Wold and all our other Clusterbuster folks that have done the work they have done to get our name out there--we are well known and accepted.  (I also had a funny moment with Dennis McKenna watching his jaw drop when he asked me "so do you take sub-threshold amounts to bust? "well...no, when I'm in a bad cycle I take 8 -9 grams of mushrooms once a week for 3 weeks then take a week off.."  He looked at me in astonishment and said "You do this EVERY WEEK?")  I think I intrigued him enough that I may be able to get some good personal communication with him.  I am certainly going to try.

As far as neurobiology and the actions of psychedelics, most of what I heard was not new to me.  There was one speaker who was the exception--Clint Canal (http://www.northeastern.edu/bouve/hs/facultydirectory.php?action=details&id=470)  brought out a whole lotta info that I had never heard before.  Dennis McKenna thanked him for the presentation and said that it was the most up to date info he had seen.  They recorded the whole conference in HD and it is going to be available soon, I highly recommend checking it out.  I also recorded the whole conference with just audio, I'm going to go back and listen to his talk and see what info I can get out of it as I was on a pretty heavy amount of Ketamine that day and some things are a bit fuzzy.

The thing that Clint Canal showed that really kinda amazed me was when he put up a slide showing a map of where in the brain receptors are being hit with different drugs  He showed a couple different drugs but the two that he really spent some time on was the comparison of ketamine to psilocybin.  Almost identical, so almost that you could almost just say identical.  He went on to say that he thought he had entered the info wrong, that he must have entered the same drug twice, but it turned out he had not.  EXTREMELY similar metabolic changes are happening with Psilocybin and Ketamine. 

Interesting indeed! 

Unfortunately there was very little info on Clusters.  The "good doctor Lex Pelger" who was one of the hosts (check him out online!) started talking about it a bit but he had a good bit of info wrong and someone told him so and he kinda gave up.  In between talks I talked with him a bit and he very much wants to talk with me to get more info, which I am going to do.

Towards the end of the conference one of the organizers (Brett Greene) said "We all need to help each other.  I am here to help you in whatever way I can, let me know."  I talked with him at the end of the conference and told him I was going to take him up on his offer, that us Cluster headache sufferers need help, specifically in getting the info out about our disease and the ability of hallucinogens to tame the beast.  He was very receptive and we are going to talk a good bit more.  He is in Mass so this should not be hard.  Truthfully, I would not be surprised if I ended up giving a talk on clusters and hallucinogens (and maybe some other things :) )at next years conference.  They seem determined to have more conferences and with the reception that they got it would make sense.

I am feeling really really great about the way things are going in our society in regards to these drugs lately, and I am gearing up to get heavily involved.  I will keep people updated as to my interactions with  all these folks.



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Great Ricardo, very interesting and I would like to access these videos if they put them online.

...not sure the link you posted points to the right place

"so do you take sub-threshold amounts to bust? "well...no, when I'm in a bad cycle I take 8 -9 grams of mushrooms once a week for 3 weeks then take a week off.."He looked at me in astonishment and said "You do this EVERY WEEK?")

I hope you mentioned you were a particular case as to dosage, Ricardo, and that they don't think we're all ... I wonder what they actually thought when you said that haha

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I hope you mentioned you were a particular case as to dosage, Ricardo, and that they don't think we're all ... I wonder what they actually thought when you said that haha

I did.  We did not get long to talk but I gave him some basic info.  It surprised me that he (and everybody else) was aware of the cluster/hallucinogen connection but knew very little of the basic info.  Convinced me even more that we need to up our advocacy and get people talking about this.  One thing that I did have time to talk about was how and why the psychedelic community should be shouting our story from the rooftops.  There is the obvious reason--we need help, but there is also an amazing point to be made on clusters and psychedelic research.  Because of peoples reports on the usefulness of psychedelics for clusters we ended up getting researchers to explore this idea and it brought us to Bol-148.  We listened to hallucinogenic explorers, went forward with research and it ended up with a NON-HALLUCINOGENIC option for our clusters.  Even if we can't get it, it works.  Even people that are completely against the use of hallucinogens can't say anything against it.  If the people in charge would let us explore these things more we would most likely have more stories like this.

...not sure the link you posted points to the right place

That is the right link, it's just not to the spot where you can download or see the conference because it is not yet available, but supposedly it will be soon.  I mostly put that link up just to give the run down of who was there.  If you Google these people individually you can find good interesting info on each.


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