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Psilocybin study

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Preliminary progress at ICL Bristol

The administration of psilocybin to healthy, hallucinogen-experienced volunteers in a mock-functional magnetic resonance imaging environment: a preliminary investigation of tolerability.

Neuropsychopharmacology Unit, Imperial College London and Psychopharmacology Unit, University of Bristol.

Carhart Williams Sessa B Tyacke Rich Fielding Nutt


Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England) [2010]

A “mock”-magnetic resonance imaging study, to assess the tolerability of psilocybin.

This is a preliminary stage to a controlled investigation using functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore the effects of psilocybin on cerebral blood flow and activity.


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Professor Nutt and A. Fielding are aware and interested in our work and the relationship between clusters and the positive effects psilocybin has on them. I think they would be very interested in getting their hands on a cluster subject for their imaging work.

Professor NUtt was a top government official on drug laws and was eventually ousted when he took the unpopular/anti-goverment stand that drug laws should be rewritten with penalties based upon actual harm rather than perceived harm. His list had alcohol near the top, LSD near the bottom and psilocybin OFF the list.

Hence the reality that there is little to no room for common sense and truth in government think.


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Yes.  I remember the news at the time.  He seemed a most unreasonable man.  Who on earth would think that science and reality are more important than ideology?   ;D

Anyhow - thoughts on how I sign up?  Anybody got a contact?


P.S. When I say I live nearby, I mean the Bristol half of it...

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  • 5 months later...
Hence the reality that there is little to no room for common sense and truth in government think.


I wished I could vote over and over and over.

I would love to see those brain scans. :D

the bb

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Research at Bristol is covered in this entertaining and informative video -

History of Psychedelic Research in the United Kingdom

By Dr Ben Sessa

This video is from the Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century, a conference in San Jose, California, April 15-18 2010, organized by MAPS


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  • 2 weeks later...

Arran in NS -


It was a delight running into Arran at Breaking Convention last week in Canterbury.

He was busy working and even had a film crew in tow. Great to see him doing so well.

I brought him up to speed on our recent events since his last publication on us. He remains very much interested in our campaign and we parted agreeing that, itÂ’s likely we shall again be working on a project together in the not too distant future.

Incredibly! (and I canÂ’t quite believe it myself, even though in happened to me?) I managed somehow to have a liquid lunch (too late for the food) with Robin directly following his presentation/ Q and A session.

  I was a little embarrassed walking off to the bar with him, knowing that there were many others there trying to see him. Perhaps it showed how much he is interested in us.

  He wasnÂ’t much aware of CH or Busters and listened intently to my account. I informed and thanked him that his important work means a great deal to us and congratulated him on his comprehensive results. We spoke a little on what we might correlate from his study and touched briefly on the subject that a similar type of study could answer some of the mysteries of busting.

HeÂ’s a nice chap. Easy to approach and get along with. I felt privileged that he had afforded me so much time and attention.

He was very humble and paid tribute to everyone that played a part it the study, not least Amanda at Beckley. Not only for support but as we all know - nothing happens without the wherewithal.

  I went along and introduced myself to Amanda.

Amanda was very busy as she was only attending for the day and was in many way’s the “star” speaker. It seemed everyone was vying for her attention all at once but I managed somehow (and I have no real idea how?) to have a chat with her.

We were getting on great but unfortunately got broke up for some group photos. Poor Amanda was swamped when I eventually caught back up with her. She insisted that I give her my email addy and indicated that we should correspond.

We had a great time at the conference. So much happen. There were 600 people there. It was much better than I ever could have imagined. Parts of it were truly amazing and blew us awayÂ…..However good the rest of it was Â…..My chat with Robin was, by far, the highlight of my whole weekend.


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Thanks for letting me know.

You can still access this clip -

Dr Michael Mosley, Professor David Nutt and Dr Robin Carhart-Harris.

Amanda Feilding/The Beckley Foundation is in collaboration.


Interesting quote here -


"American researchers, using non-hallucinogenic versions, have already begun researching the use of former "psychedelics" for treating depression, obsessive compulsion disorder, alcoholism, and addiction."


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  • 9 months later...

The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness lectures series presents:

MDMA: Could it have been designed with psychotherapy in mind?

Dr Ben Sessa

Tuesday, 28th February, 2012

October Gallery, London.


Dr Ben Sessa joined Professor David NuttÂ’s psychopharmacology department in Bristol in 2007. In 2009 he become the first person in the UK in 40 years to be legally given a psychedelic drug, when injected by David Nutt with intravenous psilocybin as part of a Bristol University research project.


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From Medscape Medical News > Psychiatry

Active Agent in 'Magic Mushrooms' May Be Therapeutic

Deborah Brauser


"Finding of a decrease in the hypothalamus was also noteworthy."

"Given that psilocybin and other psychedelics may reduce symptoms of cluster headaches, this is interesting because cluster headaches have been associated with increased hypothalamic cortical blood flow,"

"So perhaps we have new evidence here for the underlying neurobiologic substrate of 2 subjective effects of psilocybin: the improvement of mood, and the alleviation of cluster headaches."  Dr. Grob.


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  • 2 weeks later...

University of Bristol release -

Magic mushroomsÂ’ effects illuminated in brain imaging studies


RobinÂ’s presentation at the Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century Conference. San Jose, California on April 15-18, 2010

Effects of Psilocybin on Brain Activation and Blood Flow


Dr Michael Moseley taking part in the trials with Professor David Nutt and Dr Robin Carhart-Harris


Geeky Science! Magic Mushrooms & Depression


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Magic mushroom therapy' to treat depression could happen in UK inside a year

Twenty six patients with a history of serious depression which cannot be treated with drugs or cognitive behavioural therapy are expected to take part.


"we found that psilocybin actually caused activity to decrease in areas that have the densest connections with other areas". Professor David Nutt


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