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ta, I have to admit that I had the same reaction as you, and I assume for the same basic reason.  Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we're here to help people, and the rest is just occasional turbulence.  You are exceptionally helpful, with your focused, caring, knowledgeable posts.  If you can see your way to stick around, that would be a very good thing.  If not -- thank you for what you've already done, and heartfelt PF wishes.

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i received a personal message from spiny here it is below,this is why i no longer will post,i received a second one also


[Moderator Edit: Personal message removed. Sorry tangerine, I'm loathe as anyone to apply any form of censorship, but I don't think posting someone's private messages publicly without the consent of the sender is considered OK...so temporarily at least I'm deleting that part from this message.....your reluctant editor Jeebs]


these are the reasons for my leaving

thank you for all your help.

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I would think that you realize by now that the "General Board" is public.  We do not leave posts on the public boards that talk about busting.  We have two private boards for those posts: "Share Your Busting Stories" and "Clusterbuster Files".  Those two boards are where any posts talking about anything busting related are to be found. 

It was me who told spiny to move the post, so you're barking up the wrong tree. 

If you want the thread moved and pinned on the "Share Your Busting Stories" board, I will be glad to do so.  But for obvious reasons, we will not leave it on the "General Board".


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I don't even know what this is about but sometimes we need a break to clear our heads ...

.. that said, sharing personal/private messages anywhere is not ok ... in my books

The kind of "protection" administrators provide for us members needs to be highly appreciated and can be a tough job. The bigger the crowd and attention CB gets the harder that gets.

So my both thumbs up for everyone running the board and contributing :)

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Hi all ,, so im with Tony ,, Since my son only uses O's ,, can you point out to me the do's and dont's of the board ?? I think Im missing something as well and I don't want to mess things up should we need an alternate route !! thanks so much.

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