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do you think taking triptans can initiate a cycle?


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So about 3 weeks or so ago I woke up with a headache,  I didn't think it was a cluster, didn't feel exactly like one although it did originate in my shoulder up my neck on only on the side of my head that clusters happen.  Also the pain only reached about a 3 on the cluster scale. I may have just been in denial though.


So i took some otc headache meds and went back to sleep.  A couple days later I had another one, the otc didn't work so I tried my zomig that I had stockpiled for clusters that I expected back in March/April but never happened.  Anyways, it worked.  Throughout that week I got maybe 2 or 3 more, but I don't think I was in a cycle because I went out drinking and it didn't trigger a headache.  Anyways, 11 days ago I had a definite cluster and am in a bad period where i'm getting 6-10 a day.  Does anyone know if taking triptans like zomig can actually initiate a cluster period?  Or was that first headache actually part of the cycle?


Additional information: I had a bad case of food poisoning for almost a week right before the clusters started so I may have been dehydrated and I was taking all sorts of weird medications.

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Not sure if there is a definitive answer to your question, but I seriously doubt that the triptan triggered your cycle! I would be more inclined to think that your Beast was just late to the party this go round! Maybe he's gettin old like me and just temporarily forgot your address!

Sorry you're gettin slammed...sending PF wishes your way! !


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Thanks for the reply and wishes Denny!  Yeah i'm getting slammed alright, perhaps he's making up for being late, this is the first summer cycle i've ever had as far as I can remember.  


Anyways, I was just thinking that since triptans have been known to increase frequency of clusters during a period perhaps they could bring on one that starts a cycle.  Long shot but wanted to check if it's happened to anyone else.  


I'm also hoping those first headaches were actually CH which would mean i'll be getting out of this cycle sooner, but I drank alcohol during that period with no consequence, is that possible?

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Hi happymeal. It is really hard to say about the first headaches. Especially since your cycle has changed. Alcohol is a trigger for me sometimes and depends on the variety that I am drinking. It used to be an instant trigger in any form. But, I am with you in hoping that was the start so the end is nearer!!!!





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I have a saying. No two cluster heads are the same, and just as soon as you figure your beast out, it changes.


The beast doesn't like it when we predict how he's going to behave, so as soon as we do, he changes the game.


I'd bet that anything could be a trigger. Some people might find looking at a cow sideways on a rainy day is a trigger. What are the odds, pretty slim I'd expect. 


If I take to many Anadin, I'll start getting rebound headaches, which force me to take more Anadin. Rebound clusters.. not sure.



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