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Just treated my CH with DMT. Busting progress trough years.


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Hi :D


Long time!! Hope everyone`s life has improved. It`s been a long time, cause my life changed som much after starting with this treatment. But this part here i really wish to share with everyone.  I will try keep things short and try not to bore you with to much information.


Some of you might remember me, i posted allot around 2011 i think it was. Came in as a chronic with a strong death wish. Went to a progress starting with LSD. Shrooms and RC seeds, stretching it day by day. For the last many years i have only done monthly 65 seeds, after a dose of 2cb Unbelivabel, i know. Sounds to good to be true... I know. It has been a long progress.


So, for years CH has been knocked down to just some hits here and there with shadows here and there, but still a cronich "quiet" cycle with highe cycles. More or less unchanged for years. Then shadows almost went away more and more. For the last year or so i noticed several changes. Shadows is back, but in a more periodic form, those pre warning signs is back, in a periodic form. Things like that. It came in my mind i needed to look for a new way to treat it, cause my intuition told me i was done with the other mentioned ways. Now i was looking for something New that could set slap it even further back, i have been ready. Went like this for around a year without a clue, before i all of the sudden got DMT falling down in my lap. I knew this was it.


The last time i have been experiencing allot of CH pre signs, hits etc and it did not quiet Down, more the other way around. Today it happened, i tried. It went away around min after inhaling the smoke. Or at least that is what it felt like, i must say i can not really know. What happened was very exactly the same as when the very few times Imitrex injections helps, the same feeling you get as the medicine helps and your hole body and especially chest tightens together. You will know if you had the same feeling. I Felt a pressure from both side of my scull and pop, it was gone! Amazing.


Right before i first got CH i had a "near death" experience. I slept in from a huge blood loss at the hospital. This experience was surprisingly a good, loving, very warm feeling as i felt pressure down as i went out of my body and total darkness, a bright bright light came and made a tunnel towards Extreme Bright light and warming feeling. I could not move or speak, i was just there in consciousness somewhere, but could still hear but not respond. It felt so good. In the end i heard my name over and over again and i needed to take a choice to go back or not. It needed tremendous effort to get a grip and og back. When i did, i sort of woke up in a snap. Todays experience was exactly the same. How strange. You may think i am a "hippi" etc, i really am not. This just happened to happen to me as i treated my CH. There is more to the experience itself, but i`ll leave it out from here, cause it`s not needed to tell how it worked for my CH.


It will be interestig to see how long the effect will last and where it brings me :)


Love and light to all from me


Tingeling :)

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Hi!! :D


The experience lasted very very short i would say, around 15 min top maybe.Not longer. I don`t think it was that bizarre as described around on the internet, but it`s intensity was quite something. i`m used to long duration LSD trips and also high doses. U can say it was like hours of LSD trip compromised down to 15 min. What also was very surprisingly true  after Reading about it was that the effect came more or less IMMEDIATLY after inhalation. I mean you could feel it start in your lungs. Also it was very physical, before you just "blacked out" or disappeard or whatever i can call it. But very pleasent feelings. At one brief moment i remember thinking "could this build up to be a bit to much". Never been thinking that before, but it went away as i was thinking it. I don`t think there`s room for more than the effect itself actually. But i think we need EXTREMELY small doses from this for us to be effctive for CH. So little that one do not need to experience Visuals, not much at least. If it`s not wanted. The good thing with this is that if it is that effectful that it seems, it is really a quick way to bust and no need to fasting etc., simpy do 1 or two inhalation, lay Down for 15 min and life can actually just move on. Not shaken and stirred for days. Wonderful. 


My shadows are gone, my pain is gone also my nerve pain and i broken the high cycle, hopefully a cycle for the first time in my life and i will continue to experience with different dosages. The goal is to find the smallest dose possible for it to work.


Hope your doing well  :)  


Big hug :)

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