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Something New (at least for me)


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I've had CH for 25 years, over that time, while verapamil has made the CH more regular at 2.5 years, and the cycles at 3-3.5 weeks, back in 2013, my neuro had me try prednisone to break the cycle - instead, it caused the CH to switch sides and start a new 3.5 week cycle - but then went 4.5 years without. So 7 weeks ago, I get hit. He has me try prednisone and again, it switches and a new cycle begins. Luckily for me (if you call it that), I only get hit when I drink alcohol - so I stop, but the only way to know if I am out of cycle, is to try a drink, unfortunately, I kind of like top drink and am I bit dependent on it, but that has quickly changed... as my sumatriptan is no longer being covered in the quantities I was used to... I was def. taking too much and was probably getting rebounds... 

So I have been 5 days without sumatriptan, and my cycle should be nearing an end... but the last few days, I have been getting hit with maybe a Kip5 - pain is not behind the eye - but on the side of my head, and it only comes on when I become stressed... and goes away, and then I feel "sore". This is new to me... is this part of rebounds? still part of the cycle? I have not had a full blown CH in over a week, and I am tempted to have a drink just to see what will happen... if my past pattern holds, I should be out of the cycle as of today... any thoughts???

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Hey Adam! Some CHer's get a hot stabbing pain in their temple, not eye, that goes completely nuts. The 'shadows' from this would be a sore temple. It is still CH. So, I would not recommend a drink yet. If alcohol is your only trigger, you are most lucky!!!

People get hit due to stress - either when stressed or post stress. Some have called it a 'stress relief' CH.

As for booze, the least offensive seems to be Vodka. The worst offender seems to be beer.

Of course you could take a drink and see if you get hit. Then you know that temple pain is actually CH.

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I can identify with 'stress relief' clusters, mine come every 2-3y and seem always to fall when I'm decompressing after a long period of work stress

This time I have been hitting the zolmitriptans hard and I do think I'm having some 'rebound' - longer or double session headaches where one wears off only to wake up in 2h with another

On booze - yes, a beer or a glass of wine absolutely the worst

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Glenmark generic is what I've been given this time, which tbh hasn't been as effective as previous prescriptions

As always happens the first pack you grab is the one that went unfinished last time and previously had Actavis branded pills which seemed very effective

thinking about it the only difference must be in the coating which perhaps inhibits absorbtion, I'm crunching the buggers up now :)

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Mark...careful...you should speak with a pharmacist...some meds are DEFINITELY NOT to be crushed or chewed...................it changes all the absorption characteristics....like too much too soon or wrong area of absorption (intestine v stomach)...................

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