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No Predictability to the attack?

Steve A

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I am a month into my most recent attacks (after a 15 year hiatus) and have a question about the predictability.  In the past, and for the most part during this most recent attack, I have been able to count on my visitor arriving around 8:00pm each day.  Yesterday it happened at 2:45pm and today at 8:00am while I was driving.  I don't remember the attacks going off schedule like this and am wondering if anyone else sees this?  I'm 95% certain that this is still the CH I have experienced and been diagnosed with, but thought I'd check.  I am currently utilizing sumatriptan nasal spray and just picked up the injectable form this morning.  

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I’m seeing that this time around. I had one at 9:00 last night, one at 11:30 and one at 1:30am that hasn’t fully gone away yet. My D3 supplies come in today so hopefully that helps. Because I am running out of the sumatriptan. Sent my doctor the instructions on how to prescribe O2. This sucks. 

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Sucks for sure Steve!

The D3 Regimen should help a lot! Have you had blood labs done to see where you D is now? Is it low? 

You can start the regimen and use loading even if you do not yet have the lab report. It has helped soooo many Ch'ers in many ways!

Triptans can cause more hits. :( It is one of those 'double edged' swords unfortunately. And only two shots per 24 hours allowed. 

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I haven’t but in the past I’ve been told it’s low and took a D supplement. Wasn’t in a cycle at the time. I forwarded the white paper to my doctor yesterday along with instructions on how to write the script for oxygen. 
While I get the regimen and what supplements are needed I don’t get the loading part. How does that work?  Is that the 50,000 D pill?  I didn’t order that one but will if necessary. 

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